Need to ask about TDEE/BMR

I am sure this same question has been asked and asked, and asked but I have been trying to calculate my TDEE and BMR using several websites and they do come up with similar numbers.

My issue is that as I do have a sedentary lifestyle (although am working on changing that) and not only is my TDEE less 20% below my BMR, the calorie goal set by MFP is 265 calories below my BMR daily requirements.

Is this ok or is it too low (my goal is 1.5 lbs per week but lost 3 lbs in my first week) because I seem to remember a couple of posts where it was said that going below your BMR is not recommended


  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    Netting less and your BMR does increase your lean muscle mass to fat loss ratio.

    This can have undesirable effects such as when you reach your goal weight, you do not look the way you thought you would because you have a high body fat percentage.

    Also losing lean muscle mass can lower your Metabolism, making it harder to maintain your lower weight on "normal" calories for your weight and height.

    Consider changing your goal to lose 1lb a week.

    For some reason, it seems to be medically acceptable that very obese people can net less than their BMR for awhile without the same ill effects as someone who has less to lose.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    I am very sedentary too apart from my weight training, BMR is always changing, so you can't be sure what your actual BMR is anyway and on top of that a calculator certainly doesn't know your BMR.

    Calculators are just estimates to give you a starting place.

    This calculator is commonly used.

    Protein aim for 0.82g (custom selection) per lb of bodyweight minimum
    fat 0.4g per bodyweight miinimum