Do i stop dieting now?



  • Abram86
    Abram86 Posts: 282 Member
    What BF% do you currently have?

    Either cut or bulk at this point. Don't try to find some middle ground. Losing fat takes eating at a deficit. Gaining muscle takes eating at a surplus.

    ETA: And yes, check out ETA. You'll get better advice there.

    I believe I'm at a 23 to 24% body fat. I'm 5'9 194.7 pounds

    I think ill get close as possible to my maintenance calories of 2400 and keep doing strength and cardio. Ill be sure to not eat my calories back either lol. Thanks for the advice.

    I'd say keep dieting down then. You are going to be amazed at what you look like as you lose the fat. Make sure that you're getting sufficient protein and good fats, and lift hard. Wait until you're at around 10% to start bulking. Oh, and slow and easy on the cut to make sure that you're not losing lean mass. 1500 is very low.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member

    That's a link to the group you should join. Best group available to give you proper training information. (BeachIron and a few other responders also give excellent advice, but much of what has been said in your thread is silly.)
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Yes.. Heavy lifting will get you bulk Like the for example Arnold schwarzenegger.. If you want to get shredded it like jdm_taco.. The difference is when you bulk up and get older you will mos def have more flab. ex look at the old WWF, NWA or WCW wrestlers who were big an like the hulk and come back to the ring in flab compare to getting shredded when your older you don't have to worry about flab.. It's all about how many rep's you do.. I played college football for three years that was my life in the weight room..

    Congratulations for posting the worst advice of the week. A lofty task indeed!
  • HeadsPoppingOutOfCups
    Why are the recommendations on this site always "bulk up!" I'd hate to live in a world with no skinny boys.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Why are the recommendations on this site always "bulk up!" I'd hate to live in a world with no skinny boys.

    Umm....the OP asked if he should start bulking now or later, at a lower bf%.
  • HeadsPoppingOutOfCups
    Why are the recommendations on this site always "bulk up!" I'd hate to live in a world with no skinny boys.

    Umm....the OP asked if he should start bulking now or later, at a lower bf%.

    I know, my point is why is everone on here so obsessed with it? There seem to be absolutely no males on this board who don't want to "bulk." I don't get it.
  • Abram86
    Abram86 Posts: 282 Member
    I wanted to bulk up at the right time just to get a lil size. No way would I want to be huge but I'd like bigger arms. My main goal was to stay a lean size but not too small where it looks like I'm a 15 yr old kid who is under fed lol.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Why are the recommendations on this site always "bulk up!" I'd hate to live in a world with no skinny boys.

    Umm....the OP asked if he should start bulking now or later, at a lower bf%.

    I know, my point is why is everone on here so obsessed with it? There seem to be absolutely no males on this board who don't want to "bulk." I don't get it.

    There are males who don't want to bulk.

    Bulking doesn't always mean you're trying to turn in to a bodybuilder though. It's part of the process of getting stronger and more fit.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Why are the recommendations on this site always "bulk up!" I'd hate to live in a world with no skinny boys.

    Umm....the OP asked if he should start bulking now or later, at a lower bf%.

    I know, my point is why is everone on here so obsessed with it? There seem to be absolutely no males on this board who don't want to "bulk." I don't get it.

    You've obviously missed all the skinny legs/jeans posts. Bulking just means working to gain muscle instead of lose fat. It doesn't mean going from skinny to the Hulk.
  • ketoambahh
    You never technically stop "dieting". It's a lifestyle change.

    If you want to gain more muscle, you just tweak your lifestyle with foods that'll help you bulk up, Usually upping your protein intake does the trick. Eat carbohydrates after a workout so it'll burn that energy off first and slow the breakdown of the proteins stored in your body. Those proteins with help your muscles grow.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I wanted to bulk up at the right time just to get a lil size. No way would I want to be huge but I'd like bigger arms. My main goal was to stay a lean size but not too small where it looks like I'm a 15 yr old kid who is under fed lol.

    You are going to have to put in a lot of work to gain even a little muscle. This isn't an easy process, and anyone dreaming of getting huge naturally better have some damn unusual genetics. Take this one step at a time.

    The bulking and cutting process is primarily about calorie intake. Your body can't build muscle if it doesn't have the energy to do so, which is why you can lift and not gain muscle mass while dieting.

    Again, go to ETA so you can have a serious discussion, as the amount of misinformation in the forums on these subjects is what you would expect on any general internet forum, and this thread is no exception.
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    I wanted to bulk up at the right time just to get a lil size. No way would I want to be huge but I'd like bigger arms. My main goal was to stay a lean size but not too small where it looks like I'm a 15 yr old kid who is under fed lol.

    You are going to have to put in a lot of work to gain even a little muscle. This isn't an easy process, and anyone dreaming of getting huge naturally better have some damn unusual genetics. Take this one step at a time.

    The bulking and cutting process is primarily about calorie intake. Your body can't build muscle if it doesn't have the energy to do so, which is why you can lift and not gain muscle mass while dieting.

    Again, go to ETA so you can have a serious discussion, as the amount of misinformation in the forums on these subjects is what you would expect on any general internet forum, and this thread is no exception.

    OP- reread Beachiron's i s spot on!!! When you are done reading it go to the Ear, Train, Progress group Dana linked for you.
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    ^^ This man ^^^ you have been givin some crap advice in here. Go on over to ETP ....before it's too late ...LOL...
  • Abram86
    Abram86 Posts: 282 Member
    Ok thanks everyone!
  • MonsterToBe
    MonsterToBe Posts: 244 Member
    I have been doing strength training from the very start. I was eating about 1500 to 1700 calories per day

    Dude, you're an inch taller than me, about the same weight as I am now, and you're MALE. And 1500-1700/day is too few calories for ME! Echoing the advice to go to Eat Train Progress. How sound is the advice they give? Judge for yourself:

    In the left column, I was 205 lbs. Same in the middle -- I was eating at maintenance but lifting. From the middle column to the right column, I was eating at a slight deficit according to advice received in ETP while working on still building strength -- look at the difference!

    I ate. I trained. And I progressed. Your turn -- go get you some!
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    So much misinformation here, especially the dude talking about crunches wtf LOL
  • Abram86
    Abram86 Posts: 282 Member
    I already joined but I'm waiting on some responses to my post.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    I already joined but I'm waiting on some responses to my post.

    feel free to join my group also :)
  • Abram86
    Abram86 Posts: 282 Member
    Ill be sure to join Ritchey. Thanks!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I already joined but I'm waiting on some responses to my post.

    You will get them, just might take a bit longer because there isn't as many people in that group as there is on the main forums. Which means that you have a better chance of getting solid advice lol