Running with a ski mask

When I run in winter, it gets too cold for my lungs to handle and I don't want to stop for the next 6 months until it warms up enough to run safely. I have found covering my face helps alot, but all I have is a ski mask.

How can I run with a ski mask without looking like I'm running from a robbery? (don't suggest buying anything because I can't)


  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    edited December 2019
    When I run in winter, it gets too cold for my lungs to handle and I don't want to stop for the next 6 months until it warms up enough to run safely. I have found covering my face helps alot, but all I have is a ski mask.

    How can I run with a ski mask without looking like I'm running from a robbery? (don't suggest buying anything because I can't)

    Just leave the duffel bags of money at home when you run.

    Seriously though. What I have done is put a thick winter headband (if you have one) around my neck and then put on a winter hat. I pull the headband that's around my neck up to cover my mouth. When I get hot, I can pull it down again and leave it around my neck. (Scarf would work too)

    Additionally, I'd just wear the ski mask with no apologies. I highly doubt anyone is going to think you robbed a bank LOL
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    edited December 2019
    You mean like this?


    You do what you need to do according to the weather. The good news is that other runners will be looking like bank robbers too!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    BTW, it's not just you. If one is running in cold weather, you should be covering your mouth so there is some warming of the air before it gets to the lungs. Standing around is not a big issue, but the deeper breathing with running can be. I realize everyone has their own appearance standards, but Brian's picture is pretty much the definitive winter outdoor running fashion statement.
  • amy19355
    amy19355 Posts: 805 Member
    you could make a colorful pompom to attach to the cap. or something that makes it look friendlier.

    or, not worry because lots of folks wear face covering gear when outdoors in the cold months.
  • moonangel12
    moonangel12 Posts: 971 Member
    Neck gaiters wrk well and come in a variety of fabric thicknesses...

    I want one that’s a bit more structured though - I have some sensory issues and the gaiters make me feel like I am suffocating so I am looking for something with structure to keep it off of my nose/moth a little bit. A ski mask might be what I am looking for ;)
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I have a belclava that I purchased for this purpose, but frankly, unless temps are sub-zero I rarely use it because my breath turns icy on it and it is very uncomfortable. Instead I use a simple cotton buff around my neck that I can pull up and down as I need it. For example, running into the wind I might need it, but then I turn a corner and it is more comfortable without it so I just move it down. I have several buffs that I have gotten from various races, but you can easily make your own by cutting a tight t-shirt or a child's t-shirt underneath the arms and using the bodice. A shirt that has lycra or spandex and is stretchy works the best.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Don’t look in mirror 🤣