Caloric intake vs calories

I have not currently been logging but I have had success with Mfp n the past and want to try again. However I want to set myself to do well and I'm not sure I have the right formula to do so. I have a BMR of 1630 but mfp has me set for a calorie intake of only 1540. I was under the impression I was not supposed to eat less than my BMR. Is this correct? I am currently 5,9 and 180 lb. my goal weight is about 160-155lb. I currently have sedentary job but am active 3 days a week in the gym doing 30 min of running and about 15-30 min of calisthenics type exercises focusing on abs/core, legs and arms I have been doing this for about 2 months and have seen little to no results physically except for increased endurance. My calorie intake has been roughly 1600-1800 a day which feels like plenty of food where I don't feel starved but not enough that I think it is hindering weight loss. Perhaps my log will help once I get in the routine but can you think of any tips or things I am doing wrong?


  • nino07110922
    nino07110922 Posts: 2,149
    ks... start slowly. Go into your profile and add your height, weight, etc., add your daily level of activity, how much you're committed to exercising, and what your goals for losing are.

    MFP will calculate for you and provide caloric intake. If you keep to your workout commitment and stay within (at or below) your allowable calories, you should see results in real short order. Make sure that you also keep track of actual exercise you get (above and beyond the daily routine), since that will "allow" you more calories. You can obviously choose not to eat the extra calories, which should result in the weigh dropping faster. As you get into the rhythm of what you're doing, there are plenty of folks on here that can provide you with a wealth of information and tips. Hope it helps a bit. Good luck. :-)
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    MFP gives you -500 cals/day per pound you input that you want to lose each week. For example, if you input 2lbs/week, it gives you -1000/day. If your target calories seem low, modify your desired weight loss.
  • kristinpruis
    thanks for the feedback nino :)
  • kristinpruis
    jwd- thanks for the tip