Hello everyone

CobraKai617 Posts: 1 Member
edited December 2019 in Introduce Yourself
ere’s my background or story.

Im 36 years old, dad husband, person. Last April I was 255 pounds, tired, really overweight, in a lot of pain. Decided to change my lifestyle by counting calories and exercising (weight lifting).

Today im 179 pounds, and feeling great, yet looking for my next goal to strive towards so I do not get caught up in old habits of emotional eating and late night snacking. Calisthenics has always been my ultimate goal, BAR BROTHERS program is originally the program I wanted to start with for my weight loss, I just was not in the right physical condition to even begin. I couldnt even do a single rep of a pull-up. Today I can do 2 sets of about 7 reps unassisted . Nothing spectacular, but a much better starting point for a calisthenics program.

I know you can not target weightloss in a specific area but some of my goals include flattening my stomach as I still have a bulge of a belly. I kind of have that skinny fat look going on at the moment, its not as bad as it was a few months ago as I’ve been really working on my chest area, but again still a long ways to go.

Another major goal of course is to get strong, increase my strength, strengthen my grip, increase my reps, learn new moves.

Right now im going to the gym but ideally id like to give up the gym and do my exercises at home, I have a wall mounted pull up bar that I love, its too high to ever do a muscle up on as my head would hit the ceiling, and my wife is gifting me a dip station for xmas so im excited about that.

Anyway, I look forward to learning and sharing with you all, thank you!!!!