Bronchitis/Pain in ribs/side

I had bronchitis for a few weeks, maybe about a month. Now I have this shooting pain that keeps happening in my ribs. Especially when I laugh, sneeze or cough. Has anyone ever had this happen? I've been experiencing this symptom for a week now - I am thinking to go to urgent care after work today and get it checked out.


  • teresadannar
    teresadannar Posts: 199 Member
    You probably need an x-ray. I experienced the same thing, the pain stopped me in my tracks. An x-ray determined I had pleurisy, an infection of the lung lining. Also, if you were coughing really hard, you could have cracked a rib. Best to get to a DR and check it out.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    Go to the doctor. It could be nothing, it could be serious. We can't tell you much more than that.
  • J_NY_Z
    J_NY_Z Posts: 2,540 Member
    Hi, I agree with the others that you should be checked out. My experience with what you are saying is Pleurisy. I used to get pneumonia and bronchitis seasonally for years and I suffered from Pleurisy as well. I'm not sure they are related.
  • jadu1536
    jadu1536 Posts: 113 Member
    At urgent care now .. thank you for update