2kgs in 2days?

Hi all, I've been averaging 0.3kg loss a week for the last 2 weeks. I've been on 1200cal and walking around an hr a day. I hurt my ankle and ended up having to walk less - getting only 4 x 40min walks last week and I lost 0.6kg - double what I normally lose. This week I ended up having more carbs than usual, continued to walk 4x a week and when I weighed in on Friday and had lost 0.9kg - very confused. On Saturday I went to lunch with my husband and we shared a subway sandwich and had a cappuccino. I wasn't too concerned - you have to live right? On Sunday I went for a long walk 1hr 20min) and after I weighed out of curiosity and Im up 2kgs! What the heck happened?


  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    Subway sandwiches are usually very high in sodium. I had oen yesterday and it more than the total recommended daily sodium limit just in my sandwich. So you could be retaining water due to that. Your weight will always fluctuate several pounds due to water weight based on a whole host of different factors. Sodium intake can be one of them.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Water weight. Changes in digestive transit time. The scale doesn't just weigh your fat, it weighs everything in your body. You will see fat losses and gains on the scale over weeks and months, not days.
  • Cant_think_of_a_username
    Water weight most likely. Also, you can see significant variations at different times of day. It's best to choose a time and stick with it (lots of people do it first thing in the morning). To be honest I don't even look at the scale more than weekly because these daily fluctuations can mess with your motivation - for me I feel it's better to look at the trend over time and adjust my calories based on trends rather than individual weigh-ins.

    In short, don't worry - you can't gain 2kg of fat in 2 days.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    You didn't gain 2kg of fat overnight unless you have good reason to believe you ate 15,000 calories over maintenance...which I assume you didn't do :). It is normal water fluctuation. Eating more sodium and/or carbs than usual, and doing a much longer workout than usual, can all contribute to temporary water weight gain. It's not relevant to fat loss and will come off over the next several days.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Don’t weigh in the middle of the day (after your walk). To get the most consistent readings, weigh first thing after waking up and after using the bathroom, before you eat, drink, or exercise.
  • XLNC1981
    XLNC1981 Posts: 114 Member
    Lots of good advice here from posters above! I would add... don’t get caught up in the game of weighing too often...

    There can be a number of fluctuations mainly due to water over the space of a week and even longer.

    I weigh once weekly and your general trend should be downwards providing you maintain a calorie deficit. 👍🏽

    Also carbs make you retain water.. I reduced my significantly and the water fluctuations are much less.

    Keep grafting and there’s no way I’d share my sub 😂
  • shelleysykeskeene
    shelleysykeskeene Posts: 110 Member
    Thank you everyone - I was freaking out a bit, thinking maybe my Friday weigh in was wrong! I know I went over my cals on Saturday but I was only over by 100cal. I usually only weigh once a week (first thing in the morning) I just thought it was strange that if lost so much so I weighed again to check and got the fright of my life. Won't do that again, I'm just going to keep going. My goal is to be 5kg down by Christmas - I only have 2kg to go!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    edited December 2019
    Hi all, I've been averaging 0.3kg loss a week for the last 2 weeks. I've been on 1200cal and walking around an hr a day. I hurt my ankle and ended up having to walk less - getting only 4 x 40min walks last week and I lost 0.6kg - double what I normally lose. This week I ended up having more carbs than usual, continued to walk 4x a week and when I weighed in on Friday and had lost 0.9kg - very confused. On Saturday I went to lunch with my husband and we shared a subway sandwich and had a cappuccino. I wasn't too concerned - you have to live right? On Sunday I went for a long walk 1hr 20min) and after I weighed out of curiosity and Im up 2kgs! What the heck happened?

    Weight loss isn't a linear thing...this is what it looks like plotted on a graph. Bodyweight fluctuates naturally...


    This is why it's important to track the overall trend (the red line)...weigh in to weigh in numbers are just data points along the trend line.