Taking time for me

I am new and would like to say hello. After years of woking full-time as a single mother while also going to school full-time I realize that lifestyle was not kind to me. I have been on night shift for YEARS and recently landed a fantastic job that has decreased my commute and given me an opportunity to have time with my new family. Since the birth of my child last spring, I have not lost any of the baby weight, have remained exhausted, and honestly... have made no time for myself. Well, it's time for me!! With my husbands support, a goal, and my child's voice (is there another baby in that belly mom?) I have decided to get healthy. I have never fit into the "ideal weight" per the charts. When I weighed what I shouldhave for my 5'3" frame, my BMI was 12 and my trainer would no longer assist me. I thought I was fit and healthy but looking back, I understand why my family was so worried about me. This is not about a number. It is about health and about setting a good example for my two girls, my patients, and enjoying life! I wish you all lots of luck and determination. This is not going to be easy but I hope I can make this life change and stick with it!


  • a_regius
    Ha! A friend of mine was just complaining to me that her 4 year old keeps asking when the baby is coming! Her little one has a really hard time believing her when she says that it's just fat.

    I'm 5'3" as well. There were a few years where my BMI said I was in my normal range but my friends and family said I was crazy scary skinny. I've since learned that how I feel is more important than all the numbers. This time around I'm making sure I'm strong and healthy and I know the excess weight I have will come off.

    My clients are another big motivator for me. As a doula I try really hard to get them to understand that they really need their health, sleep, and exercise in check to make their pregnancy and birth the best it can be. I really need to practice what I preach now that I'm starting my business back up after a year off!

    I want to say good luck, but I really don't think luck is involved much here. Just science and determination. We can do it!