Starting Over........ Again.



  • caroadstar
    caroadstar Posts: 33 Member
    Just starting again, gained back the 30# I lost. So far so good. Trying to use the gym membership to my advantage but have to be very careful because of my RA. This app really works for me. It is difficult because I'm the only one who wants to eat healthy in my house. Argggg
  • InMyHappyPlace
    InMyHappyPlace Posts: 2 Member
    I have lost the same 10-20 pounds over and over and over. I feel great when I lose and then it's either a trigger or just a little here or there and I'm back to my old ways. I am a closet eater and have absolutely no idea why. My life is good. Now, entering my mid 50's I'm so tired of always being on a diet, just coming off one or about to start one. I desperately want to change and have being healthy as a normal part of life. It gets harder to lose every year and now I have arthritis in my hips so exercise has become something I always hated to something that causes pain too. It's such a mental thing for me. How do you all stay on track? I'm great at tracking food for a few days and then find myself apathetic again. I have to succeed this time as my hope is less weight on my hips will mean less pain.
  • MissHw87
    MissHw87 Posts: 10 Member
    Same 🙋🏼‍♀️ I lost 50lb, felt AMAZING. Loved shopping, holidays, confident! Met an amazing man, got comfy.... happy.... pregnant..... annnnnd piled on 70lb ☹️ been ‘starting on Monday’ for the last 156 mondays!! Never felt so self conscious, lacking in confidence and wrecked with anxiety yet I always turn to food to make me feel better, then feel worse again. Horrible cycle
  • guapa68
    guapa68 Posts: 56 Member
    Small steps - great job showing up here x
  • emadepalma
    emadepalma Posts: 5 Member
    I’m in the same situation. This is my third or fourth time hopping back on the wagon. Friend me? Perhaps we can help motivate each other!