Curvy girl gone wrong

Hello weightloss world,
Here is the story of how I got chubby:
Right now I'm 23 years old. I've always been a curvy girl, but was always in the healthy 120-130 pound range my whole young life... Maybe at most 140 through college. I graduated last December, moved down south, and got a desk job where all I do is think about what fried food I'm going to grab for lunch. I love to cook, and have always been a foodie at heart.... But with an income and living in a social city I find myself indulging more often than not.
Also perhaps I should mention that I really don't like working out. I'm more the napping type. Don't yell at me.
I was avoiding weighing myself but did recently... 152 large pounds. At my shortness that puts me at a bmi of 26.1, right in the gorgeous overweight zone. I know for more muscular builds the bmi calculator doesn't really apply, but like I said, lazy desk job girl. So it does for me. I'm overweight.
For a while I was trying to pretend that this is just my natural happy weight, and that I still just got that curvy bod. Unfortunately, my sister's boyfriend has recently speculated that I've been looking pregnant. Reality check: curvy girl, you're officially lookin chubbs.
I think my weightloss plan will be heavy on healthy food choices (as clean as possible), and smaller portions. I miiiight try to work out, but I'm not making any promises.
My goal weight is ~125 lbs, but I'll be happy with any progress.
Be my friend and let's encourage each other! :)


  • Yanagibashi
    Yanagibashi Posts: 58 Member
    Oh, that is so familiar; you pretty much described me when I was your age (just saying that made me feel old). But good for you for taking note and taking steps to correct the situation now rather than when you're 33 like I did. It gets harder the older you get.

    If you have a generous lunch period at your lazy girl desk job, see if you can sneak in a few minutes of walking. Even 5 - 10 minutes helps. And pack your lunch! Eating out is expensive when you're in your first desk job. And you can do better than the nearest drive through if you plan ahead. I'm super lazy too so I start cooking on Sunday afternoon so I have 3-4 days worth of breakfast and lunch ready to go. More internet/coffee/news watching time in the morning and more walking / chit-chat time during lunch too.
  • I hope your sister punched him! lol You look great now but would be happy to try and encourage you along the way. Feel free to add me. I love savannah, have you guys had as much rain this summer as us? (Athens Ga) Go Dawgs!
  • Endman
    Endman Posts: 894
    I have a partial solution to your problem. You said that because you have an income, while being in a social city, you run into the problem of indulging more than you should. My solution is that you send me your income then you won't have the income and will be unable to indulge as often. I think it is a great plan. ;)
  • carolemorden9
    carolemorden9 Posts: 284 Member
    I have a partial solution to your problem. You said that because you have an income, while being in a social city, you run into the problem of indulging more than you should. My solution is that you send me your income then you won't have the income and will be unable to indulge as often. I think it is a great plan. ;)

    You can send some of your income to me too! JK! Anyway, packing your lunches would be a good way to start eating healthier and just walking is a great way to get in some exercise without really working out. Good luck!
  • fattbootywoops
    fattbootywoops Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone for the suggestions! Yes packing my lunch is definitely going to be in the plan. I have a bunch of veggies in the fridge right now so Im going to make a salad to kick off Monday's lunch right! :smile: I'm going to add all of you haha...
  • fattbootywoops
    fattbootywoops Posts: 5 Member
    And sorry guys I can't spare my income haha... I have student loans to pay back!!! Maybe I can focus more of my funds on that instead of restaurants... :)
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    Same boat, similar story. I was an hour-glass 118, and caught the harsh truth of 170.5 from a candid photo. Yay to you for getting on track with this site!!