Chipotle Burrito Bowls

How do I know what ingredients are in the Chipotle Chicken or Steak Burrito Biwls in the app?


  • amy19355
    amy19355 Posts: 805 Member
    many chain restaurant items are in the database already. try searching on Chipotle Chicken burrito bowl
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    you go through a line and add food - all the chipotle foods are listed in the database

    search chipotle
    add chicken
    add rice
    add veggies

  • InYourBungHole
    InYourBungHole Posts: 1 Member
    Be careful though because sometimes they are off. I saw 3 different Chipotle steaks and all were different amounts of calories.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    I don't always order the same thing, so I created a meal with all the ingredients I like (which I have verified against the Chipotle website), then when I log the meal I just delete the things I didn't include that time, but they remain in the saved meal for next time. Deleting is much faster than adding.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I add each individual item separately
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    Adding the individual ingredients you ordered--whether you prefer to use the recipe builder, meals tool, Chipotle website, or just enter each ingredient separately--is the way to go. Don't just pick a database entry for "Chipotle chicken burrito bowl." The odds that that burrito bowl is the same as yours are small.

    Keep in mind, also, that any calorie count of a food you did not cook and weigh yourself is an estimate. The person making your burrito bowl might be more generous with the rice or stingy on the guacamole than the restaurant's standards call for.