Don’t give up!

I felt it was time to contribute my own motivation post after relying on others’ posts these past few months. Since October 20th I have been extremely disciplined with logging my calories and with working out, despite a busy schedule. The hardest part for me was expecting losses Witt this discipline and not having them, or even gaining. So beyond frustrating to step on the scale and not feel rewarded for your hard work. However, my journey with the scale has taught me patience. Sometimes I will not see the scale budge all week, then down 2 or 3 all at once. Overall I’m down 15 since Oct. 20 and 28 lbs since my heaviest last Spring. Many more lbs to go get to where I want to be but feeling so much more confident and starting to see myself more like the way I feel in the inside. I am stronger, more calm, and enjoying getting dressed each day which is refreshing! It’s been a while since I had that feeling. So for those of you out there that want to quit, stick with it and it will pay off over time! The journey is NOT linear! :)