Christmas Day - how much damage???

🐷🐷🐷best intentions and did well all day until the big turkey dinner tonight... then Xmas pud with too much wine and then chocolates... scales will not be good tomorrow! How did everyone else get on?


  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,689 Member
    Did good last night at dinner then over 1000 calories for dessert. Today's probably the same. Tomorrow is all day at the movies, pizza, cake, and ice cream for my nephews birthday. Today's the only day I'm not working out, I'll probably be up two lbs from all of this but don't mind going off maintenance to lose a few pounds. If there weren't chocolate and cookies I'd be under calories!
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    my belly hurts to much yummy food
  • sugarcakes38
    sugarcakes38 Posts: 80 Member
    Tamales, beans, my moms famous potato salad, sugar cookie & chocolate fudges, couple of deviled eggs and Mexican wedding cookies.... ate to my hearts content. Today, grazed. There’s without a doubt SOME damage, but nothing that won’t come off with my normal routine. Lastly, I’ve known since I started this weight loss journey that I was going to enjoy Christmas as I always have, food included. Hope it was a great Christmas for everyone.
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    Nah. Didn't even try. We cut a lil bit of the turkey for dinner and carve the rest after.

    Which means I ate a whole meal then carved a turkey during which time I ate most of the skin and nibbled on dark meat and bits of crispy fat. I'm now way overfull and ate waaaaay more calories than I recorded lol.

    And of course I've been eating chocolates all day, drinking wine, and there's pie.

    But that's ok! It's just one day. I maybe gained back just one pound. No biggie. I'll lose it again. :)
  • durhammfp
    durhammfp Posts: 493 Member
    1200 calories, mostly in the form of my own homemade chocolate chip cookies... I mean I did have to taste-test some, and then the broken ones could not be wasted, and then I had to have a few performative ones when I shared the others, and then...
  • maureenkhilde
    maureenkhilde Posts: 850 Member
    I knew today Christmas I would be going way over. And I did. I had some full fat, real sugar chocolate candy, the one I cannot resist. But is done and over now. Had dessert too! Enjoyed every last bit of everything. Tomorrow back to being good. And I recorded it all.
  • moonangel12
    moonangel12 Posts: 971 Member
    I actually don’t think I did too bad. I loosely logged and am just barely in the red. Breakfast was heaviest hitting with breakfast pizza and casserole and gluten free cinnamon rolls that were really really good! Lunch I opted for a huge salad with chicken and a small potato (fully loaded) versus fried fish, hush puppies, etc. Hubby even went for a leisurely 1.25 mile walk mid morning with me! The kicker for me for the last two days were these gluten free lemon bar things my mother in law made. Lemon desserts are a fave for me, and a rare occurrence. Drank unsweetened tea and water, a little OJ with bfast this morning.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I had a good workout, but then had coffee with whip cream and a powder sugar donut for breakfast. Had a couple of homemade cookies from the neighbor, and 2 more of same coffees. Lunch was vegetables with chicken. Dinner was fajita chicken and onions with quac and pico, too many chips. I felt like the biggest thing was I was mostly sedentary on the couch being lazy for most of the day. But it's a holiday so🤷‍♀️
  • guil0095
    guil0095 Posts: 327 Member
    My day started off well, with good intentions. Dinner killed me. & the hubby filled my stocking with a bunch of chocolate from a local shop. Ughhh, lets say major damage was done!
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,207 Member
    Family came to my house—3 people and a dog, so didn’t really get a chance to sit down and eat. Grabbed some crudités and some tastes while cooking. Did enjoy a bit of cake and bubbly before I kicked them all out ☺️
  • sweetbe44
    sweetbe44 Posts: 195 Member
    All my good intentions went to hell and I ate like a complete *kitten* today. I thought I had this kind of out of control eating in check. Not beating myself up, I know this will just be a blip in my overall trend but I have some things to reflect on.
  • Chris_J99
    Chris_J99 Posts: 175 Member
    Yesterday and today will be write offs.
    We have almost finished the cheese and biscuits that we treat ourselves with in December.
    Some lbs have found me again this morning but I am not surprised 😮
    Tomorrow is a new day to start again.
    Roll on 2020
  • EmilyEnough
    EmilyEnough Posts: 67 Member
    Today was bad enough to inspire a MFP reboot.

    FR me y'all. 😲😂🙃💓
  • aries68mc
    aries68mc Posts: 173 Member
    I did over do it last night, but I am going to say in regards to sodium intake. I hosted and did the ham so was eating it while carving! Scale was up this morning just less than 2 pounds.
  • loseitwithbee
    loseitwithbee Posts: 28 Member
    I couldn't eat anything except the chicken because I'm on Whole 30. So I made broccoli salad, and some guac to bring over to family's house. My husband and I had the chicken and the sides I made.
  • TrueGrit732
    TrueGrit732 Posts: 52 Member
    🐷🐷🐷best intentions and did well all day until the big turkey dinner tonight... then Xmas pud with too much wine and then chocolates... scales will not be good tomorrow! How did everyone else get on?

    Not good
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,058 Member
    The 3 Days of Christmas food is now over.

    Moving on...three days of around 3000 calories each. I'm kind of glad it's over, to be honest! Back to level-headed food again.