

  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    My sister is a personal trainer and she said until your knees are used to it and are in tip top condition, only go as far as parallel to the floor or if that hurts, then do shallow squats. If you do full range of motion you can blow out your knees really easily. Be careful.
    She needs to lose her license then. Partial squats are the number one way to blow out knees, as it works the quad without working the hams or glutes, leading to a muscle imbalance which pulls the knee out of position and "blows it out." Full squats are much safer and easier on the knees. Full being just below parallel, going A2G is fine but unnecessary.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    yeah for sure I'm just surprised in general i'm not sore from that P90X workout that much, I was sweating like crazy, and I am a little sore but like after I did Jillian Michales I could barely walk I was hurtin so bad when I first started it
    Soreness is meaningless when it comes to whether a workout is effective or not. Out of shape muscles get sore. Really overloaded muscles get sore. Trained muscles generally do not, unless you push it way way over the edge (really overload them, like heavy lifting for max effort style overload.) Generally once you get used to the type of exercise program like P90x or Insanity, you won't feel sore that often.
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Well that is what I like to hear!!! lol I was just hoping it wasn't because I wasn't putting in enough effort, I had to stop a few times, and couldn't do everything as fast as them, but I sure as hell gave it my best!!!
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    Found this. Helped me. Maybe you'll find it useful too. http://hurststrength.com/2012/11/07/so-you-think-you-can-squat/

    Bumping to read in more detail later. Looks like good stuff here.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    My sister is a personal trainer and she said until your knees are used to it and are in tip top condition, only go as far as parallel to the floor or if that hurts, then do shallow squats. If you do full range of motion you can blow out your knees really easily. Be careful.
    She needs to lose her license then. Partial squats are the number one way to blow out knees, as it works the quad without working the hams or glutes, leading to a muscle imbalance which pulls the knee out of position and "blows it out." Full squats are much safer and easier on the knees. Full being just below parallel, going A2G is fine but unnecessary.

    I've met very few personal trainers who know what they are talking about. Usually they just ape the latest garbage you can collect for yourself by reading shape,