only 3rd day already eaten chocolate



  • babecker1951
    babecker1951 Posts: 8 Member
    Don’t cook every night if you don’t like it. Pre plan, maybe even just a couple days in advance. Have your food prepared and ready to go so you aren’t trying to plan, cook and eat when tired. Cook and refrigerate in the morning if that is when you feel the most energetic. I’m 68, and I don’t always feel like cooking either! Having food ready to eat is key for me. Also, having a few simple and quick dinners like frozen turkey meatballs and bagged salad or cottage cheese and fruit for those rough nights.
  • mindoverplatter8
    mindoverplatter8 Posts: 13 Member
    apullum - Chocolate spreadsheet?! That sounds intriguing. Can you share it again?
  • mindoverplatter8
    mindoverplatter8 Posts: 13 Member
    koalathebear - your tips seem doable and something I will try. Thank you!
  • tijerinamc
    tijerinamc Posts: 1 Member
    I make room for chocolate, as well as any other food I like, every day. A calorie deficit is all you need for weight loss, why deprive yourself of foods you like? I lost over 1/2 my body weight with a calorie deficit, moderation and portion control.

    I completely agree! I buy my chocolate individually wrapped squares, and log them. The best way for me is to plan my food for the day and log it all in the morning. Obviously life happens, and I can edit it as I go. But I try to stick to the plan each day. My plan includes a glass of wine (I use a tasting glass, which is half the size) and chocolate most days!

    One book that helped me start was The Half-Diet Diet, which talks about eating half of each doesn't make you restrict by food type.

    Hang in there!
  • Lobsterboxtops
    Lobsterboxtops Posts: 92 Member
    edited December 2019
    Brookside açaí dark chocolate nugget thingies (crack berries as I call them) are my go to chocolate snack...I pull out of the bag 16 of them log them and enjoy. They take me a long time to eat, because I like to let them melt in my mouth.

    Try prelogging your chocolate snack and anything else that you are likely to eat and then plan the rest of your calories around them.

    ETA (posted too soon);
    I would suggest to not worry about hitting your goal for your first two weeks. (I actually was wishing that there was a blind entry option so you can log without seeing your calories) let your first couple of weeks be fact finding entries.

    Once you’re done with them, then go back and see if there are ways to cut back in calories for things you are normally eating, it may be painless substitutions or smaller portions. Then start that for a few weeks, and try to get goal...use these next couple of weeks to tweak what you are eating and getting used to logging.

    The biggest thing is don’t beat yourself up or go into this with an all or nothing outlook. It’s a process and it takes time and practice to figure out.
  • gwinhart17
    gwinhart17 Posts: 34 Member
    I weigh an ounce of dark chocolate chunks and add them to half a serving of whole natural almonds and half a serving unsalted peanuts or chopped pecans or walnuts and put them in ziplock baggies for when the munchies hit, satisfying, healthy, yummy and guilt free 🙂