Tracking Steps in MyFitnessPal

I am using MyFitnessPal and MapMyRun. I connected them successfully, but have a question about steps.

NOTE: I have a Samsung Galaxy Frontier watch, not the UA version. That has it's own built in step tracker, Samsung Health, so may have to take that into account. I am not using Samsung Health, but cannot uninstall it from my watch.

I installed MapMyRun on BOTH my phone and watch, but MyFitnessPal on my phone only, no watch.

MyFitnessPal says it is using MapMyWalk for step tracking even though it's not even installed. Won;t let me add MapMyRun instead. However, it is seeming to track steps. Is it actually using MapMyRun, even though it says MapMyWalk.

Finally, is their a potential issue with my watch using Samsung Health to track steps. I did not connect Samsung Health to either UA app. The step count looks right in UA, but I think it's doubling my calories burned.

Just want to confirm I'm setting all this up correctly.


  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,478 Member
    Sorry I am no help at all I use a garmin but if you ask the helpline on here they might be able to help you, good luck