Starting to 'binge'...

... on granola clusters mainly :frown:
I'm in the need of gaining weight, a couple of kilos, which is why I've been eating at TDEE (or what I think my TDEE is) + 10%. However, I'm currently at my father's (and will be for the next couple of weeks) and my control is slowly slipping. It's never happened and I feel absolutely terrible :sad: . I mean, it isn't a gigantic binge, more like 300-400 cals at once, but it's been happening repeatedly lately and has me worrying. I really do not want to start binge eating on a regular basis :cry:
I've asked my father not to buy those clusters until I'm gone, which he agreed too - I hope it'll help....

Has this happened to any one? And has getting rid of that one trigger food help in any way?


  • Frittycat
    Frittycat Posts: 51 Member
    I struggle with that as well. At home, I do not bring in any food into the home that will tempt me. I really struggle when my routine gets messed up and I am out of my own environment. Bread, sweets, and cheese are my biggest temptations. I handle the temptations by not buying it, but it is very hard for me if I am somewhere else and it is there.
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    I have to sometimes throw away the food I am binging on. Recently is has been milk chocolate baking melts. I ate 700 calories worth in one sitting. I could have had something special like a reeses pb cup sundae instead of that. What a waste!
  • jenjencin78
    jenjencin78 Posts: 4,415 Member
    No ice cream that isn't single serve, pasta or dips allowed for me. They are huge trigger foods for me.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    For me, it's this gf muesli we have at home. It's delicious and I can't have that because I just keep going back for more.
  • leadiax3
    leadiax3 Posts: 534 Member
    I struggle daily with self control. I am learning how to enjoy lil yummies in moderation and not lose control. Its sooo hard. U should let ur family know how u feel and ask them to help u. Maybe by not keeping trigger foods around or maybe by portioning the foods into small baggies or containers. 1 serving allowed per day kinda rules...
  • bluejeansarah
    bluejeansarah Posts: 15 Member
    Maybe by not keeping trigger foods around or maybe by portioning the foods into small baggies or containers. 1 serving allowed per day kinda rules...

    I agree with this 110%!! If you think you can keep the trigger foods in the house, then portion them out so you can visualize how much your eating when you do. I've always struggled with tortilla chips and until logging all my food on MFP I would EASILY eat a half a bag, or more in one sitting. When I broke it down and bagged it up in individual serving sizes, I was much less apt to overeat or binge on them. One serving usually was good for me.

    Good luck!
  • lyoill
    lyoill Posts: 59
    If I feel like something that comes in a packet say licorice I will by it and take out a serving and throw the rest in the bin. What waste of food!? I don't see the difference in buying it and eating it or throwing it in the bin except one feels good and the other does not:)
  • GiddyNZ
    GiddyNZ Posts: 136 Member
    If I feel like something that comes in a packet say licorice I will by it and take out a serving and throw the rest in the bin. What waste of food!? I don't see the difference in buying it and eating it or throwing it in the bin except one feels good and the other does not:)

    This is a novel way of dealing with the situation.. I did have very good control over what I ate, but it all seems to have gone out the window recently.. slowly getting back on track.. My trigger is the big stack of treats in the corner of the cupboard that people keep adding to thinking they are being nice.. I have eaten a fair bit of it lately, but the damn pile hasn't gotten any smaller.. grrr!