What keeps you motivated?

What keeps you motivated? I'm having a hard time trying to make myself start working out again 🤔😬


  • s_rivera_92
    s_rivera_92 Posts: 92 Member
    edited December 2019
    Short term goals that focus around meeting my long term. (1-2lbs lost a week is the short term. Getting to 130lb is my long term.) Really, my main motivation is to be healthier and lose substantial weight prior to my spouse coming home from deployment. Gives me something to do daily (cooking, working out, planning meals/calories) and helps me feel better (feel great after a work out and feel accomplished when I step on the scale).

    The reward system is another motivator I include. When I lost 5lbs, I let myself buy something for myself (this week's purchase was a $5 face mask). When I have lost 15lbs, I'll probably buy something worth $15. Etc. Etc. Looking forward to losing 50lbs and then getting myself a new pair of running shoes.

    I hope you find something to motivate yourself. :)
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Right now, it's ring fit adventure on Nintendo switch. Before that, it was dedicating certain audiobooks to "exercise only", and I also went through a phase of laser tag. Find something that sounds fun and just start (or make an existing activity more fun).

    Starting is the hardest part, after that you'll just gain momentum and it gets easier to start. A trick I had (and still have) to employ is to refuse to negotiate with myself. Time to work out, don't think, just get up and do it. If I give myself more than a few seconds to whine about how I don't to I'm almost guaranteed to talk myself out of it.
  • fatoldladyonamission
    I think I must be a little odd since my motivation is purely to be less fat and healthier. I started at 325lbs in August and I’m now 264lbs. I actually don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything either so have no intention of stopping.

    I suppose at over 300lbs there’s so much I couldn’t do that I’m now starting to find I can do that it makes for its own motivation. Whatever it is I’ve stuck with it all over the holidays and I’m so glad I have. I actually can’t wait to be another 4 months ahead! Loving watching my progress charts. I’d also recommend the ‘just give me one month’ threads. They have really helped me keel going. Good luck with your goals.
  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    Originally I was motivated by just wanting to look better. Then when I found MFP and it actually worked, I was motivated to see what I could accomplish. Somewhere along the way it just became habit/part of my day, like brushing my teeth.

    Now I'm motivated because "I know how", kind of a waste of I don't use that knowledge.
  • littlegreenparrot1
    littlegreenparrot1 Posts: 695 Member
    A goal - a race, obstacle course, hike up a mountain, whatever you like doing.
    I need something to work towards.

    I'm also someone who needs a schedule, I have to stick to it. As soon as I get into any debate in my head it won't happen.
    I'm very convincing when trying to get out of something!
  • OpinionatedCyborg
    OpinionatedCyborg Posts: 70 Member
    Put a big chunk of money in an escrow account with instructions for it to go to a political group you disagree with if you don't lose your goal weight in a year.