Insanity Diet Plan Tips??

Hi everyone

Me and my husband are going to be starting the Insanity work out soon and I was wondering if anyone had any hints and tips for the diet plan. Both me and my hubby don't want to particularly loose weight, but just loose a bit of body fat so we can be really toned and see it.

So if anyone has any hints or tips or ideas or just general advice about following the diet plan or in general it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :)


  • xmel123x
    xmel123x Posts: 63
    Also, does anyone have any advice regarding the results and recovery formula? I'm in the UK and can't buy it, but have been reading about alternatives such as chocolate milk. Can anyone recommend a good alternative for me: a woman that wants to be really toned but not be massively muscley, and my hubby: who wants to build muscle.
