Half Marathon Planning Schedule. Going to run one by July 1, 2020



  • Cricketmad88
    Cricketmad88 Posts: 415 Member
    I'm going for a half marathon in June in UK took up running in September with C25K so this will be my first race as not many around me. I used the other plans out there to get an idea and then created my own so it fits around work/cricket well.
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,360 Member
    Slider678 wrote: »
    I want to train for a half marathon by July (2020). Who is with me? What if we got a group of to train together and go through the prep together.

    Awesome. To have some structure I signed up for an April 14, 2024 Half Marathon.

    I've been on a very easy, very slow, consistent plan for a couple of months now, building to the Half.

    With an interim 10k in September.