That magic word....


It seems so simple doesn't it? Just say no to food when offered to you. Don't eat just because everyone else is doing it. Great advice- but am I the only one who really struggles to say no in social situations? I eat food when offered to be polite, I join in when others are eating to seem agreeable and included, even if I'm not actually hungry.

Does/did anyone else have this problem, and how do I stop eating just to please other people?


  • SomewhatCool
    I do the same exact thing.

    I don't like saying no to people when they offer me something, because that just seems rude to me. So I take it... And eat it/drink it. Bad habit that I need to cut.
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I can say no to anyone except for my husband, he is a sweet junkie and gets so pissed off when I don't want to eat sweets with him!!! Ahh little monger, but he gets over it quickly because he knows it will start an argument so just every once in a while to shut HIM up I will have a bite of something he is eating, but no more than that. If those people who say something about you saying no, then tell them it's your life and your body not theirs! It is rude of them to be offended if you say no and they want to push it on you, now if I already know I'm gettin some of mom's cooking like for a holiday and what not I will make sure I have extra calories and still eat in decent portions and not gorge my face with food.
  • LeanneGoingThin
    LeanneGoingThin Posts: 215 Member
    Sometimes I say no, sometimes I say yes. You don't need to always say no, you can fit it in your diet. After all, it is part of your life. Find the balance.
  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    Ahhhh yes "conform or be cast out" that is the question... If they offered you crack would you take it to be polite ? You took the food because you wanted the food. You have to make the choice to say no. I cook all the time and offer to everyone at work - I don't care if no one takes it and I understand completely if someone only wants one mouthful.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I only say no if I don't like the particular thing offered. It's not like they asked me to eat an entire cheesecake. I log and move on. Darn, now I want cheesecake. ..
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    I was in turmoil last night trying to use this word! lol

    On Saturday for the first time in 40 days, I let go for one day. My sister cooked me dinner and it was a three course roast in huge portions. I had no idea it was going to be so large otherwise I wouldn't have had my crisps and chocolate that afternoon! I went from my usual 1300 cals a day to 2100 in one sitting. I was quietly mortified about it but the dinner was prepared all day and it was a wonderful evening. So I never said anything out loud. haha

    So the next day my boyfriend ( the first time he's ever suggested this ) says we could have a chinese takeaway as its been so long. I wanted one so badly and was staring into space for like half an hour trying to decide whether or not to do it. 2 days in a row of going over calories after 40 days with amazing results.

    I managed to say no and went to bed early to stop thinking about it. Next week I will have a chinese, however. As I'm sure I wont be able to stop thinking about it until I get it over with! And in a small portion, at that.
  • sg992
    sg992 Posts: 60 Member
    Yeah, I really hate this because my housemates love cooking, especially sweet treats like cookies/cakes. I feel so rude turning it down because they've actually gone to the effort to bake them. Sometimes I skip a meal to compensate (which is awful, I know!).