Back to better health

Hi everyone! This site was recommended to me and I’m liking it so far. Definitely looking for a support group!

I’m joining the ranks of New Years resolutioners. 2019 saw me start strong and then get sidelined with an injury after a fall. I ended up gaining back everything I had lost and more.

I’m excited to get back to eating better and being more fit. My goal is weight loss and overall fitness.

I have a hard time with “diets” due to food allergies and OAS. I can’t eat tree nuts, most raw vegetables, bananas, melons, avocados, and basically any other superfood lol. It is so easy to fall back on convenience foods.

Otherwise I am racing to fit in workouts in between work, school, life with my two kids and their activities, and simply trying to keep up with laundry and dishes. Yes, it’s a glamorous life ;)

Happy New Year!!