90 day challenge -- ladies?

cjv73 Posts: 240 Member
edited January 2020 in Motivation and Support
Full disclosure: this is a challenge for ladies only, and it contains a large religious component. So if you are neither a lady nor religious, this isn't for you. 😊

I am looking for a small group of women who would like to do a modified Fiat 90 challenge with me. I know due to the timing, this looks like just another New Years resolution that will likely fizzle out, but I promise that's not what this is. It just so happens that I only learned about this on Sunday evening when visiting some friends, and I took a few days to research and modify it, thus the January 1st post.

You're probably not familiar with Fiat 90, as it is not widely known at all. It is a 90 day program of commitments and denials, loosely based on the men's program called Exodus 90. Very briefly, Exodus 90 focuses on a commitment to daily prayer, asceticism (denial of some usual comforts) and fraternity (support network). The men work through daily devotions from the book of Exodus during the 90 days, seeing that they are being freed from their slavery to worldly possessions, food, comforts, etc, in the same way as the Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt.

Fiat 90 is an (unnofficial) female version of this program. However, it is a heavily Roman Catholic program, and being a Protestant, there was quite a bit in the prayer portion that did not apply to me, so I made some modifications.

The Fiat 90 perspective is that your diet is not only what you eat, it is also what you watch, listen to and read, the people you hang out with, and the things you subject your mind and soul to, so you must always be mindful of the things you put into your body, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

I won't explain the challenge in detail here -- if you feel this is something that might interest you, PM me and I will send you further details. I am hoping to start on January 10th so that we will be finished on Good Friday.