I need a 4-5pm 'get home' meal that won’t push me over my calories, but will fill me.



  • ShinyFuture
    ShinyFuture Posts: 314 Member
    Another vote for texture/volume. A little hummus with veggie and/or fruit sticks/slices --like carrots, cucumbers, raw turnip, jicama, apple slices, bell pepper - really any crunchy one works for me. I make several little packets at the beginning of the week so I just need to grab one.
  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    2% cottage cheese with some berries on top. I have a cup (which is 2 servings) with some blueberries and it's like 220 calories or so.
  • kcmcbee
    kcmcbee Posts: 179 Member
    Storm985 wrote: »
    Half a protein bar? Maybe beef jerky or some cottage cheese/yogurt? I find i easily over indulge on carbs so my snacks are protein heavy

    I’m definitely learning the importance of protein in snacks (nuts offer too much, with not enough bulk, so being careful with these).
    I use a 110 cal high quality protein bar or chips for this between meals along with 12 oz glass of water. Filling and low cal. Has worked well for me.
  • Storm985
    Storm985 Posts: 44 Member
    kcmcbee wrote: »
    Storm985 wrote: »
    Half a protein bar? Maybe beef jerky or some cottage cheese/yogurt? I find i easily over indulge on carbs so my snacks are protein heavy

    I’m definitely learning the importance of protein in snacks (nuts offer too much, with not enough bulk, so being careful with these).
    I use a 110 cal high quality protein bar or chips for this between meals along with 12 oz glass of water. Filling and low cal. Has worked well for me.

    Which protein bar do you eat?

  • Storm985
    Storm985 Posts: 44 Member
    My new favourite snack/ light lunch:

    Half an avocado mashed with Greek yoghurt and mixed with chopped chicken. Add salt, pepper and chilli flakes and eat with Melba toast (the cracker things).

    The avocado and Greek yoghurt give a satisfying creamy tang and enough fat to be satisfying.
    The chicken gives the protein.
    The Melba toast gives the crunch and satisfy the carb craving.
    The salt and pepper make it more interesting and not too creamy.
    The chilli flakes give that spicy tingle that lasts after I’ve eaten and (so far) has helped to stop turning to something sweet after!

    I’ll be rereading the thread to try out some of the other ideas and start a thread on how to actually make a protein shake!

    Thank you
  • jbergeron7614
    jbergeron7614 Posts: 1 Member
    I always have a couple of chicken breasts in the fridge for emergencies. 110 calories for a piece of chicken and add some brussel sprouts or other green veggie. The mini meal that keeps me satisfied.
  • Storm985
    Storm985 Posts: 44 Member
  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    Storm985 wrote: »
    Thank you for these ideas - they’re great.

    I think about 200 - 250 calories would be fine (any less just doesn’t do it). I realise I’m also looking at 'mouth food' it’s about texture/ bulk as well as fuel. Plus when I start cooking, I need to have had something satisfying to keep me from snacking.

    I love the sound of the chicken and mashed avocado etc (maybe with some added crunch), but would need to check the calories carefully. (ETA that raw cabbage would give the crunch! I was thinking of cooked).

    I'm also big on texture and volume for satiety and a "handful of nuts" is only going to make me want to eat more. Since you have 200+ calories for your snacks, how do you feel about beans? They have a very satisfying texture (to me), some protein, and can be paired with all kinds of vegetables and sauces for volume. They also keep well in the fridge so you could batch cook them and then just heat up some when you need a quick snack.

    I totally agree on this, one of my favorite things to do is to take a can of garbanzo beans, and put it on the stove with BBQ sauce (the one I use is 35 calories for 2 tablespoons) let it simmer for 20ish minutes. They taste even better as the days go on in the fridge, I can eat them by themselves, but I make a sort of "Bowl" with cauliflower rice, and cucumbers and its under or around 200 calories and very filling
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    if more free time than calories (you mentioned snacking afterward being an issue), then I would go with something low-calorie-density that will be high volume/filling & take more time to eat for the calories. (Quick dense stuff like food bars, nuts, etc would be stuff I'd avoid). Vegetables, soup,..
  • I I’m big on snaking and craving so I’ve had to learn how to control myself.
    So around that time I use my Herbalife protein drink mix (15 grams of protein) with cottage cheese and strawberries or kiwis. Helps me stay full and stop my cravings. ❤️
  • astridtheviking
    astridtheviking Posts: 113 Member
    I like two slices of low cal bread made as toast with a quarter cup of cottage cheese, sliced bananas, and honey drizzle on top.
  • sammidelvecchio
    sammidelvecchio Posts: 791 Member
    cottage cheese with cucumbers or peppers?
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    There's a ton on great suggestions in here already. I was just going to add- how's your protien and fiber through the rest of the day? I find if I start my day with enough protien escpecially, I am not as hungry and raveneous when I get home for the evening. It's easier to get started on dinner without wanting to inhale everything before I can cook it.
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    I meal prep so when I get home I dish up, heat and eat. Otherwise, I find a coffee and some almonds can hold me off.
  • gremloBBPT
    gremloBBPT Posts: 51 Member
    Many great ideas here.

    When I want something that's ready in seconds, that I can eat pretty quickly, and will keep me full for a while, my go-to is usually Greek yogurt. My favorite is Fage 2% with strawberry. I often toss on half an ounce of walnuts because I love the taste of the combo. Something I'm nowhere near as fond of but keep on hand for hunger emergencies are protein bars and right now I have some Atkins chocolate shakes. The shakes last me a long time because I only grab one when nothing else is available. :D

    I also usually have something prepped in my fridge that I'll be using for meals/sides. It can also work as an emergency snack. That varies, but it's almost always something relatively high in protein or fiber. Right now, I have some cowboy caviar and already prepped fresh cilantro in a different container. I also often make veg soup so can grab a cup of that and throw in some beans and parmesan.
  • Ila1227
    Ila1227 Posts: 71 Member
    I eat a quest protein bar at my hungry time in between meals. It is great tasting and puts hunger at bay. Ranges in 180 to 210 calories. Ive learned to not be a frequent flyer of my favorite bar(high end calories) and go for the 180 non choc bar most days
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    Lately I have been doing pretty much only crock pot meals during the week so they are ready within 30 minutes of getting home if not sooner. So I don't need a get home snack. But if I did, maybe chicken salad with crackers, or spinach and artichoke dip.... or crackers with some pepperoni or salami. Or a piece of salami wrapped around a piece of string cheese.
  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    I also high recommend this! (Eating it right now 🤣) only 80 calories for the box. Which fills a cereal bowl so it’s a decent volume jsdkemoufnds.png
  • krupscafe
    krupscafe Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for mentioning this! I tend to shop the fresh produce aisle and don't look at what new things are available in the freezer section. Will definitely give them a try!
  • MichelleMcKeeRN
    MichelleMcKeeRN Posts: 450 Member
    Do you drink enough water? I really feel dehydrated right after work. If I stick to finishing my water I should have drank at work, those cravings are more manageable. If I still need something, a Greek yogurt works until I can eat dinner