When will I stop feeling fat?

I have lost 33lbs as of Sunday & I have roughly 10-11lbs left to go to reach my goal weight. I am not necessarily focused on the numbers anymore, but how I look, feel, clothes fit. I went from 188.8 to 155.8 from May 2013 to Aug 2013.

But when I look in the mirror or take progress pictures I still feel like I look fat. Not every day, but a lot of the time. I can look at my starting weight pictures & tell a difference for sure, but I just want to know when, if ever, I will stop feeling fat.


  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I can't remember a day since puberty (and maybe before) when I didn't feel fat. And I was a size 3 most of my life.
  • sarahwilson12
    sarahwilson12 Posts: 70 Member
    We are our own worst critic. I think that, really, this is a mental battle rather than being based on physical looks. It's like those who struggle with anorexia - no matter what, they still see themselves as fat. Sure, with those who struggle with that, it actually is a mental disorder where they cannot see themselves as any other way.

    But, in some ways, it's almost as hard for those of us who hate the way our bodies are. Everyday, we look at ourselves in the mirror & wonder when... if ever... it will change. I'm finding that on the days where I immediately think "I hate my body", everything goes down hill from there.

    Yet, if I look at myself & choose to focus on my positive physical traits, it's a bit better.

    Hoping for the day to come when we're perfect is a dangerous thing. We need to start accepting ourselves now if we want to ever be happy with the end results.

    Don't give up... It's a constant "battle" of sorts, but it will be worth it in the end :smile:
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    This is a psychological block - not one to be solved by numbers dropping on a scale. I'm not sure when it will be for you - if ever. I don't say this to discourage you, I say it to be honest.

    I'm small and thin/fit by most people's standards. I still have "fat" days where I feel sluggish, bigger than normal, etc, even though I know, rationally, I'm not.

    I can't say for sure what might help you overcome these feelings, perhaps therapy might be needed, I don't know. I find things that help me are:
    - Strength training: when I feel strong and healthy, I have a much better self-perception and body image
    - Running and being active: again, similar to the above
    - Eating healthy and reminding myself I'm doing good things for myself
    - Having a good support system: surrounding myself with like-minded, supportive people who aren't going to project their insecurities onto me

    Good luck!
  • SStruthers13
    SStruthers13 Posts: 150 Member
    First, let me say your beautiful insides show in your face. 10 lbs overweight is hardly fat! No one is perfect. Tone yourself up a bit if you feel you need it but I think your fine.
  • omnf809
    omnf809 Posts: 7
    I'm in the same boat as you. I also lost 33 lbs with 14 to go. I do wear my smaller size clothes but I still feel fat. I have suffered with Bulimia twice in the past that took a lot of counseling (years). I know I need to appreciate who I am and not be so judgemental of myself. We're only going to stop feeling fat when we take into account how healthy we are becoming. First of all skip 188.8 and 155.8. I just say 155. Those ounces only discourage me...If you feel comfortable in a smaller size of clothing you're almost there. Secondly start looking in the mirror less and be proud of your accomplishment. Losing the weight is not the hardest part - the hardest part is maintaing it and liking who we are.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I feel like I could have written this post!

    I have maybe 10lbs left (I honestly don't know, I don't remember being this weight/size ever, so I'm guessing) and instead of seeing how far I've come, I always focus on far I've got to go.

    At least know you're not in this alone. I heard it passes over time. Just think, you've seen your body one way for so long, it's bound to take some time to get used to how it looks and feels now!
  • StillStrugglin
    StillStrugglin Posts: 43 Member
    I lost about 170 lbs about 7 yrs ago (still struggle to maintain the loss) and there are days when I look in the mirror and still see the 345 lb. me. It's definitely a brain thing. Rock past it. :)
  • dadof2boyz
    dadof2boyz Posts: 156 Member
    I think we never stop feeling that way until we see ourselves compared to our former selves. The best way to stop feeling this way, I think, is to place a before picture and current picture of yourself in a location that will remind you of how far you have come and help you change your mindset from one of loathing yourself in the mirror, to one where you feel proud of the accomplishment you've achieved. It's all about our mental image of ourselves. I look in the mirror every day and feel like I'm the exact person I was 40lbs ago.... deep down I know I've lost a lot and I feel great when I'm not looking in the mirror, clothes are falling off, belts need replacing, etc.... but that @#$% mirror makes me feel otherwise. So now every time I see myself in the mirror and start feeling that way, I look beyond what I see and tell myself that I am different, regardless of what the mirror tells me.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I can't remember a day since puberty (and maybe before) when I didn't feel fat. And I was a size 3 most of my life.

    how sad
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    probably never, or rather sometimes...
    Some days I feel fat some days I fell hot and most days I feel alrightish...
    That's hormones and all sorts of other stuff for you. Learn to live with it and try to look at the parts of your body that have already made the biggest progress (as you might be able to see for me this is the belly) and get a blind spot for the ones that still need work (for me the hips and bum). I would stop working out and eating 5lbs of chocolate if I would concentrate to hard on my hips
  • I think this is a good idea sometimes so many of us use restrict diets to lose weight we forget it will be the exercise in toning up and getting leaner that will most help boost our confidence and help the way we see ourselves.
  • melissaka7
    melissaka7 Posts: 277 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I also lost 33 lbs with 14 to go. I do wear my smaller size clothes but I still feel fat. I have suffered with Bulimia twice in the past that took a lot of counseling (years). I know I need to appreciate who I am and not be so judgemental of myself. We're only going to stop feeling fat when we take into account how healthy we are becoming. First of all skip 188.8 and 155.8. I just say 155. Those ounces only discourage me...If you feel comfortable in a smaller size of clothing you're almost there. Secondly start looking in the mirror less and be proud of your accomplishment. Losing the weight is not the hardest part - the hardest part is maintaing it and liking who we are.

    I suffered from an eating disorder when I was younger as well. I don't think it ever fell into a category of anorexia or bullimia. I would just not eat for as long as I could & then eat a lot. I never made myself throw up though. It was a matter of control for me. I'm down from a tight 14 to a 12 that is falling off me (I still have bigger thighs) & I can fit into 8's & 10's from Old Navy, but all there pants are weird. AND I am fitting into much smaller shirts & dresses.

    I've just been hard on myself lately...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I can't remember a day since puberty (and maybe before) when I didn't feel fat. And I was a size 3 most of my life.

    how sad
    Yeah, it kinda sucks.

    Though I can look back at photos and I know I wasn't, but I was always self-conscious about my belly mostly. I don't even know why. No one ever said anything negative about my appearance except a brat in who was in second grade when I was in first who always called the the ugly duckling across the lunch table. But she never called me fat ...
  • expoduck
    expoduck Posts: 59
    I've lost 50 pounds and I still feel like I look the same as I always have.

    The seatbelt on the aeroplane disagrees, however. It fits me with room to spare now (I used to need an extender!).

    I imagine that my brain will catch up with the rest of my body at some point. :)