4 weeks using MFP and FitBit, no weight lost



  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    when you sent up your fitbit, did you mark that you wanted to lose weight, gain weight or stay the same? personally, i think your calorie adjustments look like maintenance numbers. i've run half-marathons and still haven't gotten to eat 3000 calories because of my projected deficit.
  • Phildog47
    Phildog47 Posts: 255 Member
    it takes longer than just a few weeks. This is a lifestyle change
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    You may be over calculating your burn calories? Are you weighing your food? And you consume a lot of sodium, which makes you retain fluid.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    One day it says you burned over 2000 calories. What exercises are you doing?
  • Leooa
    Leooa Posts: 12
    The reason why my calories are around 3000 a day on the weekends is because I go for 2 or more fast pace long walks in that day and also do my weekly shopping. I've also set my weight lost to "kinda hard' on Fitbit. So no, I'm not doing maintenance or gain.
  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    Typically I walk about 2.5 miles a day, and on the weekend I go for longer walks and a 1.5 mile run.

    I am not seeing the numbers for exercise calories burned other than cumulative totals but they seem really high to me. To give context, if I run 5k I burn 300-400 calories. If I run 5 miles thats 700-800 calories. If I run 10 miles that is 1400-1500 calories. And that is running with a HRM. Now don't expect those numbers to translate 1 to 1 for you, but you can see that 800-900 calories burned from a few miles walking and a 1.5 mile run is unrealistic. Of course you do not say what your longer walks are, but unless they are in the 4 mile range or so I think Fitbit is overestimating your calorie burn. I would look into the settings for your Fitbit, maybe adjust your stride length and review your personal settings.
  • Leooa
    Leooa Posts: 12
    Sometimes I do 13 miles on the weekends, according to Fitbit.
  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    Sometimes I do 13 miles on the weekends, according to Fitbit.

    Yeah, I figured. I do the same with mine (I have a Flex). I was looking at your weekdays although maybe I didn't go back far enough. They still seem high to me though.

    To be brutally honest, I rarely count the calorie burn from Fitbit and if I do I take it with a big grain of salt (meaning I count about half). I have compared numbers with what my HRM says and Fitbit is usually off by a significant factor. I really just use it to see how many steps I have in a day and determine if I want to go for a walk or something to get some extra exercise in.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    so you are saying that your daily burn on weekends is 4000 calories, and you are at a 1000 calorie deficit to eat 3000? i walk an average of 7 miles daily, up to 16-17 mile runs, and have never reached that. i am not sure how the fitbit/mfp sync works since i don't use it, but i think you might want to check your settings again. i really think you are eating at maintenance.
  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    I was working hard, following my calories, logging everything and didn't lose for 5 weeks straight. Now my body is used to the routines and the weight is coming off. Don't give up. Sometimes it just takes a little time for things to happen.
  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    I was working hard, following my calories, logging everything and didn't lose for 5 weeks straight. Now my body is used to the routines and the weight is coming off. Don't give up. Sometimes it just takes a little time for things to happen.

    This is also a very likely candidate for root cause.
  • Leooa
    Leooa Posts: 12
    This is my fitbit profile:
  • shelllord
    shelllord Posts: 43 Member
    Maybe it's the doughnuts, cake and ice cream? there is no way I could eat those things and lose weight, I try not to eat back all my bonus exercise cals as I only lose weight if I burn more than I eat, may be just try cutting the high fat treats out for two week and see how it goes , also as others have said the burnt cals seem off, I walk 2.5 miles to work and on the app I use it says I burn 250 cals, the same app as I would burn 2500 cals running a marathon my weight is 136 so obviously changes for different weights, so the best thing you could do is maybe change how you work your cals burnt out, good luck x
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    My only guess would be that your TDEE is lower than the fitbit is guesstimating. Fitbit calories are only estimates and they seem to be more accurate for some than others. If you go a few more weeks without a loss, then you'll know your TDEE is lower than that, and you can cut from there and see what happens. WHAT you eat and how much water you drink shouldn't have an effect on weight loss, other than getting enough protein to help maintain muscle while you lose. Hang in there! :flowerforyou:
  • kethry70
    kethry70 Posts: 404 Member
    I would try validating the calorie counts the fitbit is giving you by using the calculators at http://fatburn.com/free_tool_activity_burn.asp

    I would also calculate your actual stride and input that into fitbit settings - mileage may be inaccurate

    I would take measurements and/or photos for comparisons - the scale sometimes takes time to catch up with improved body composition

    Finally, I have PCOs and IR and I was unable to lose weight until I greatly cut back on carbs and sugar. I limit carbs to 25% of my goal intake - about 100 grams a day - and try to keep that mostly to fruits and veggies and very few grains or sugars. I do have treats but I limit them to small ones and not very often. Depending on the timing of your sweets, you may be spiking your blood sugar levels too much, too often.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    You've averaged 2061 calories per day for all the days you have data (not counting today since it's not done). If you have literally not seen any weight loss at all, congratulations! You have found your maintenance calorie level. Adjust downward to achieve caloric deficit and weight loss. Continue logging for another month, and evaluate your weight lost versus the calories you ate. Adjust as necessary.

    I have the same problem with my "Body Media Fit" armband. It says I burn over 2400 calories a day. The scale says that's an overestimate of about 14%. Science doesn't have it in for you and it doesn't lie. You just have to take the data as they come and make predictions based on them, then record new data based on these assumptions, and repeat as necessary.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    And more often then not, you are over your sugar. Watch out for refined sugars, some is okay, but donuts, ice cream, smoothies, chocolate...all have sugar. Moderation is key. And like a said before the sodium is high on some days, watch that.