
icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
No - I'm not kidding. Bigorexia, or Muscle Dysmorphia, is the male obsession with building muscles and bulking up. It can include psychological abnormalities, including irritability and angry outbursts ('roid rage), and can put men at higher risk of injury.

“Individuals who have bigorexia, a lot of them tend to use supplements and if you overdose on these supplements without having a balanced diet you can develop kidney and liver failure and as that happens you may need a liver or kidney transplant or you could eventually die,” explained Dr. Selene Parekh an associate professor at Duke University.


I'm assuming women could develop this too. And I would guess that it wouldn't be uncommon for it to go right along with orthorexia, the unhealthy obsession with only eating 'healthy' foods.
