Intermittent Fasting



  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited January 2020
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Been doing IF purely to help stop evening snacking. It worked from that aspect. But I like to run in the morning and not have something before I run was not working well. So now I stop eating at around 7pm, or after my evening meal, then just half a banana and a coffee in the morning, then nothing till lunch. A split IF if you will.

    Purests will say I've eliminated the "benefits" by having a banana but those benefits have yet to be proven to occur in humans.

    Glad to see that you realize that there are no extra benefits to doing IF, and no penalties if you 'break' your fast outside of your 'eating window.' The magic doesn't stop, because there *is* no magic. ;)

    At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is the total amount of calories consumed, and nothing at all to do with when they were actually consumed. <3
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,223 Member
    I've done IF a few times. It's helps me with adherence for a while, and then it doesn't. For my n=1 data set, lose rate was unaffected. I lift in the morning so I felt like I was leaving something on the table not having a protein source around my workout. As at least one other poster mentioned it conflicted with social eating periodically as well. I was also not a fan of the negative impact it seems to have on my complexion and bathroom regularity.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,997 Member
    edited February 2020
    auburneng1 wrote: »
    Looking for pros/cons on intermittent fasting.

    Pro: It helps to limit when you eat to a consistent schedule.

    Con: Many people have difficulty sticking to a consistent eating schedule
    auburneng1 wrote: »
    Should I do it 7 days a week and eat in an 8 hour window?

    auburneng1 wrote: »
    Should I still count calories?

  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I do IF (ish). I say “ish” because my eating window varies. I skip breakfast and sometimes eat an early lunch (like 10:30) because that’s the only break in my schedule until 4pm. Like tomorrow. I workout after work and don’t get home until 8 or 9.

    I log religiously. I can eat it up with the best of them and it’s easy for me to overeat if I’m not intentional about tracking.
  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 493 Member
    I just (officially) started IF (16:8) about 10 days ago. It reminds of when I was my thinnest in my 20s. Didn't eat breakfast cause back then eggs (love 'em) were considered bad for you, and for religious reasons would not eat pork (back then there was no beef bacon or turkey bacon just pork). Don't like bread except for the occasional sandwich, and even then one slice or I would just eat the middle, no crust. So no muffins or bagels for me.

    I'm also eating low carb. I just don't like bread or potatoes, but occasionally rice. I love my veggies so that's usually what I eat along side chicken, turkey or fish. I enjoy a glass of wine at dinner. And I have kicked the morning brew habit long ago. I guess I was going IF earlier than I thought. I don't have time to stop for McDonalds and with the renovation around my office building it's more than a notion to walk blocks away for breakfast food especially if you have to be in the office. Don't like Starbucks.

    I know it's mostly water weight but I have lost just shy of 4 lbs.

    I like eating this way. And I think that's really the point. Do what you enjoy cause that is what you're gonna stick with long term. Good luck!