Anyone else gotten grief for losing weight?



  • hawaii86442
    Oh yes--like dont get rid of your big clothes you will regain the weight. I liked you better ten pounds ago. She is my inspiration. One good thing though she has got on a fitness weight plan and has lost 15 pounds. So, I guess I can have broad shoulders and a thick skin and ignore the negative if I am inspiring her to be more fit.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Please keep in mind- I've never been fat... or even what I would consider really over weight- I've been working out my whole life and fairly fit/active. This is from mostly cutting/dietary changes. I can't imagine how much worse it would be if I was battling substantial weight loss- my hat goes off to ANYONE who grabs the reins and makes progress on their own despite the negativity.

    "Don't lose any more- you look great as it is"

    " you can't eat XXXX food- that's insane"

    "why are you doing this"

    "why do you count calories- you're skinny and pretty already"

    "you don't need to work out- you're already thin"

    So keep in mind- the people that make these types of comments- aren't making them about you- it's for THEM.... and don't let that stop you on your journey.
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    Well said JoRocka!

    I too get grief because it is a lifestyle now. Those that don't live a healthy lifestyle don't understand our new way of life and therefore make comments that are sometimes tought to take. I think that once they make the commitment to become healthier they will see what it takes and that maybe our behavior isn't so weird.

    Lately, I've been hearing... "Okay Linz, no more, that's enough!"

    It's funny to me now because then they ask for advice or want to know what I'm doing to lose.
  • joan280
    joan280 Posts: 13
    You need to lose some weight when I am fat---you are too thin are you anorexic?
    Your not eating enough---when I weigh what I should.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    Not for the most part, but I don't have many people I see on a regular basis. My MIL and her side of the family seem to think I'm not supposed to eat certain foods anymore. Sorry, b!tch, but I ain't living the rest of my life without chocolate, apple pie, and bread.