On the Health Wagon again

Hi everyone, I have realized I can't do this alone. So, to tell everyone a little about myself (and this puts me out of my comfort zone) -- Im a 52 year old woman who has been overweight since I had my one and only child 25 years ago. I ended up being a single parent and gradually became very unhappy with my life. I guess I felt like a failure so I gained more weight. By being unhappy with myself, I became unhappy with my job. So after my child went to college, I decided to quit and go back to school. I graduated about two years ago with a bachelor degree and a masters. But I was still overweight and older. Employers didn't want me. I tried and tried. I had to move away from family to get a job so I am now alone in another town. I didn't have to go out of state but I am 2 hours plus from family. I've made my goal this year to get my body and mind back to a healthy place -- and move back to be near family. I want my family dinners again. I do have one more professional hurdle to get over and I will be tackling that along with everything else soon.

So that's where I am and I know I can't do this alone.

Thanks for reading!


  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Wishing you the very best of luck with your healthy living and climbing your professional hurdle! Sounds like you've already done very well accomplishing all that you have!!