Macros don't add up

I wasn't sure where to post this, so plumped for this board.

I was logging today and noticed that even though I'd gone over on all my macros, MFP was telling me I still had 31 calories left. I didn't - I was over by 79.

This made me curious, and I started adding up my calories. Only 1 out of the 6 days I added up, taking random days over the past 6 months in case it was a recent thing, was correct. Now I'm worried I can't trust the app at all.

Has anyone else noticed this?


  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Macros get rounded to the nearest gram. Your calories should be correct if the calorie info for the database entry you've used is right. I would trust the calories over the macros, though those will also get rounded.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    Foods in the database are (mostly) entered by users, so a lot of the numbers can be off.

    Check them before using them if macros and calories are important to you.
  • AnnalisaGym
    AnnalisaGym Posts: 4 Member
    It was the total macros that didn't add up to the total calories, not the individual foods. I'm confident about the entries I use, because I check them, and have a terrible habit of editing the ones that are wrong ☺️
  • AnnalisaGym
    AnnalisaGym Posts: 4 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Macros get rounded to the nearest gram. Your calories should be correct if the calorie info for the database entry you've used is right. I would trust the calories over the macros, though those will also get rounded.

    Thanks, I'll ignore the macros, I guess 😬
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Macros get rounded to the nearest gram. Your calories should be correct if the calorie info for the database entry you've used is right. I would trust the calories over the macros, though those will also get rounded.

    Thanks, I'll ignore the macros, I guess 😬

    Well, don't ignore them completely. Just accept that they're ballparks and may be a little off due to rounding. Checking the entries you're using are accurate is also a good idea though (either against the package info, or using the USDA nutrition database).