Just starting

I’m currently 240lbs. I want to lose 50 lbs this year if possible. Im currently going to grad school which I know will be super challenging to add with weight loss. I’ve started yoga to help keep my stress levels lower. My goal is to exercise at least four days a week whether that be cardio and/or yoga. I’d like to get pregnant once school is done in July and I’ll need to be thinner to do that healthily. Looking forward to this adventure.


  • DiamndMnd
    DiamndMnd Posts: 67 Member
    That's a great goal. I think starting out with yoga is perfect. You can start slow and work up from there. You got this! Take one day at a time!
  • adotbaby
    adotbaby Posts: 199 Member
    Welcome! You can do this, the support on MFP is amazing. Yoga is a great way to start. Best of luck! I've lost 60 pounds in 18 months, trying to get that stubborn 10 to 15 more off now. Staying motivated by reading these posts has helped tremendously.