Looking for new friends and support

Here is my story so last year I started my weight loss, I joined mfp I was 17 and half stone! I managed to get down to my goal weight of 13st, but due to a change in my circumstances I had to stop going out on my bike due to a relationship brake down.
And being a mummy also I didn’t have time to go out. Since then I have put 1st on. I am very self conscious of my body and my weight. I have rejoined mfp to try and loose my weight I am in a better place mentally. I feel awful in myself that I have put weight back on to the point it’s making me even more self conscious.


  • daveejane2020
    daveejane2020 Posts: 13 Member
    edited January 2020
  • Teemitch0072020
    Teemitch0072020 Posts: 2 Member
    It’s good that your in a better place now and making progress, i hope that with hard work and persistence you achieve all your goals 🙏🏿
  • Bubbah
    Bubbah Posts: 6 Member
    You got this Champ! On meal,workout and day at a time!