delayed ovulation/delayed period?



  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    I did not have a period for a long time because of my weight gain. This happened two or three times when I got above 250 lbs. The first time I lost a few pounds naturally and my cycle came back. Then I went on a weight loss plan a few years later when I was 260 lost a few lbs and my cycle came back totally normal. This time I got above 250 and it stopped. I did not have a cycle for a long time, 7 months maybe. It came back a month ago after losing weight for like a week, but it started again like a few days or a week later but very light and has continued off and on for several weeks. It has not regulated itself. Is this normal? I do not have insurance or the money to pay out of pocket so I cannot see a doctor. It has been extremely light, not heavy at all, but it has lasted a really long time off an on. I think my hormones are still out of wack being above 250 so my cycle can't regulate yet but the weight loss is making my body want to start up my cycle again. It feels like a normal period but very light, so I do not know if I should be concerned. I am kind of scared but I can't see a doctor.
  • Kaoticma07
    Kaoticma07 Posts: 29 Member
    Well my problem is that now that im loseing weight i get my period every month well before it would skip a month the point is it was retarded but this month i got sooooo scared because i got my period two times i got the first one on May 4 ended May 9 then i got it again may 16 and i got off it today i freaked i called my doc i have an appointment tomorrow just to make sure it isnt something serious...He said it could be my body reacting to this new change....
  • IndigoFlowers
    IndigoFlowers Posts: 221 Member
    My period didn't get affected WHILE losing weight, but now that I have lost so much weight it radically decided one month to go from my average 28 day cycle to 37 days... And ever since then I do not get my average 28 day cycle... its now a 30-38 day cycle.

    My periods are also shorter and I have minimal cramping. Before my cramps would make me stay in bed for three days straight!

    At first it annoyed/scared me that my cycle changed so dramatically, however it comes with it's perks. I don't mind only having my period every 30-38 days with almost no cramping. It just annoys me that there is such a large range between when I could get my period.