Anyone else got limited mobility / wheelchair user

Hi all, I’m a wheelchair user with limited mobility, manage a few steps around the house but those steps a couple of very gentle range of movement “exercises” are the only exercise I get and certainly wouldn’t class them as exercise.
This last few years have been really crap mentally, physically and emotionally and I seem to have been gaining weight slowly but steadily so it’s crept up to be around 3 stone heavier than I ever have been!
So I’m not expecting miricals but I certainly need to do something to loose some weight. My food intake can totally fluctuate at least half the week on my most painful days I virtually eat half of what I should but then the rest of the week I make up for it and eat too much , not big portions or anything just the wrong foods to easy just to eat snack foods.
So wondering if there’s anyone else in same or similar situation who’d like to try and do something about it together.
I’m not expecting miricales and I’d be happy if I can get that 3 atone off in the same time frame that I gained it.


  • bedbug1234567
    bedbug1234567 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I myself use a wheelchair too when im out of the house, I use crutches inside my house. I also struggle with eating, weather its too much or too little. If I'm home I dont eat nearly as much as I would if im at work or out of the house, trying to change that though. Most of my exercise comes from when im at work (im a cashier at a grocery store), if i go out somewhere wheeling myself, or doing stationary bike pedals when im home.