Do You Take A Rest Day?

I'm curious if others take a rest day from exercise, and why or why not? ...and if you don't, how long have you been exercising every day?

I haven't taken a rest day in over a yr... I want to sometimes and have been told I should but I just haven't been able to so I'm wondering what others do.

Thanks for replies :)


  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I usually take a rest day, because I heard the same thing (that your body needs a day to recover). I didn't take a rest day last week and now I'm super sore. This week I decided to do light Yoga or Stretching and walking on my "off" day.
  • onandoff
    onandoff Posts: 122 Member
    I'm pretty new to the whole fitness thing so just let you know my 2cents...
    At first I started slow with 3 days a week, then made it to 7 days a week, but now (for the last 3 months or so) I made it a habit for 6 days out of 7, because I feel I need it after working hard the previous days. I usually follow the program recomendation at this. Don't wanna repeat what many people say but I do believe it's good to give your body a break, from time to time, for muscle recovery, even when you don't do the same muscle group every day.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    I make it a point to not work out over 3 days (preferably 2) without a rest day.

    I think it really depends on what your exercise regime is. If you walk a mile everyday, you probably don't need a rest day. If you lift heavy 4-5x a week, you would be stupid IMO not to take a rest day every few days. Really just depends on the intensity of your workouts.
  • ramshareen
    1:10 ratio of resting :tongue:
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I'm curious if others take a rest day from exercise, and why or why not? ...and if you don't, how long have you been exercising every day?

    I've been forced into a few rest days thanks to some IT band issues.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I'll take a rest when my body needs it, usually works out about once a week.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I usually take a rest day or two. I agree with Leadfoot. I've noticed that the max CrossFit I can do is 4 times a week, but that's because I'm starting to lift pretty heavy (yay!). I may add running in on one of those days and on the 5th day, but I find myself taking two days off a week. If I didn't give myself the break I think I would hurt myself or just wear myself down to a point that's not healthy.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I lift 3 days a week and rest on the alternating days. It is not healthy to over exert yourself.
  • Angeloftheshore
    Angeloftheshore Posts: 227 Member
    My rest day is a Hatha Yoga day...lots of stretching. It relaxes me and energizes me all at the same time. My muscles feel better after a Hatha Yoga workout so I am ready for a new week. The rest of the week cardio alternating with strength training days.
  • mou_254
    mou_254 Posts: 153 Member
    i do take a rest day once a week(usually sunday)....i hv bee told its ok to do so..and my body seems to rejoice dis yeah,y not?! i usually go walkin on d rest days(nt evrytym,though)..
  • TonyStark30
    TonyStark30 Posts: 497 Member
    Take a rest day if you are tired or starting to feel pains, other than that there is no reason to rest.

    Yeah yeah you feel better after a rest day blah blah blah but you shouldn't have put on weight, can't start talking about whats good for the body now, work!
  • iheartmy1dog
    Thanks for the replies! My workouts are usually pretty intense, 99% of the time I get my heart rate into its target zone. Normally I exercise at least 90mins everyday(lots of days more than that) doing cardio. I've been told by professionals before that I need to give my body a break, and my body tells me that too sometimes...... But I'm not sure how. For the ppl who do take rest days, do you ever feel guilty about it? How do I be ok with giving myself a day off?
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Thanks for the replies! My workouts are usually pretty intense, 99% of the time I get my heart rate into its target zone. Normally I exercise at least 90mins everyday(lots of days more than that) doing cardio. I've been told by professionals before that I need to give my body a break, and my body tells me that too sometimes...... But I'm not sure how. For the ppl who do take rest days, do you ever feel guilty about it? How do I be ok with giving myself a day off?

    No, I don't feel guilty. Why would I? My fitness is part of my lifestyle and I want to my lifestyle to be balanced. If I felt guilty for not killing myself 7 days a week, I would not be working towards that goal. I'd also hurt myself and, most likely, burn out and fall completely off the wagon.

    If you seriously can't take a day off without feeling guilty then I would be less concerned about exercise and more concerned about why you obsess so much.
  • malk2651
    malk2651 Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks for the replies! My workouts are usually pretty intense, 99% of the time I get my heart rate into its target zone. Normally I exercise at least 90mins everyday(lots of days more than that) doing cardio. I've been told by professionals before that I need to give my body a break, and my body tells me that too sometimes...... But I'm not sure how. For the ppl who do take rest days, do you ever feel guilty about it? How do I be ok with giving myself a day off?

    Think of it this way, the rest day is part of the program. Part of reaching your fitness goals. You may actually be slowing down progress to your fitness goal by not taking a rest day. Now as others have said it greatly depends on what your doing and the likelihood of injury.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I take four, because I work hard enough on the other days to need that down time.
  • iheartmy1dog
    No, I don't feel guilty. Why would I? My fitness is part of my lifestyle and I want to my lifestyle to be balanced. If I felt guilty for not killing myself 7 days a week, I would not be working towards that goal. I'd also hurt myself and, most likely, burn out and fall completely off the wagon.

    If you seriously can't take a day off without feeling guilty then I would be less concerned about exercise and more concerned about why you obsess so much.

    How do you know what the right balance is? When you take a rest day, do you ever worry you won't continue your routine the following day? I'm working on figuring out the why.. It's a slow process :/
    Think of it this way, the rest day is part of the program. Part of reaching your fitness goals. You may actually be slowing down progress to your fitness goal by not taking a rest day. Now as others have said it greatly depends on what your doing and the likelihood of injury.

    I've continued to exercise even when I've been injured, or sick. If I feel exhausted or something I tell myself to push thru and once I start, I'll almost be over and I force myself to do it..... I get thru each workout, how does not taking a day off slow me down?
  • brandon_2A
    I work 3rd shift so I usually take Mondays as a rest day because 1) I usually do some form of exercise Friday/Saturday/Sunday and 2) When I switch back to a night shift schedule at the beginning of the week I'm usually pretty tired. I sleep a lot on Mondays.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I do every Sunday. My body is pretty sore by the end of the week so I give myself a break.

    Do I feel guilty? Never.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I could not under any circumstance see myself working out every day for over a year.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    No, I don't feel guilty. Why would I? My fitness is part of my lifestyle and I want to my lifestyle to be balanced. If I felt guilty for not killing myself 7 days a week, I would not be working towards that goal. I'd also hurt myself and, most likely, burn out and fall completely off the wagon.

    If you seriously can't take a day off without feeling guilty then I would be less concerned about exercise and more concerned about why you obsess so much.

    How do you know what the right balance is? When you take a rest day, do you ever worry you won't continue your routine the following day? I'm working on figuring out the why.. It's a slow process :/

    Honestly, and I'm not trying to mean, but if this is that big of a problem with you then you probably need to seek some professional help. Over-exercising is form of eating disorder. Eating disorders are control disorders. You seem to be afraid of losing control.

    I don't worry that I'm going to lose my routine because rest days are a part of my routine. I decide on the right balance based on how my body feels, what my diet has been like and what's going on professionally and socially. Four days of CrossFit and two days of running fit right now and are probably the max I could work out in a week.