Feeling bad, diet or something else

I am wondering if anyone has had stomach trouble related to starting a new diet. I've had constipation, diarreha, and gas pain since christmas. I wonder if my body is having trouble adjusting or if its something else? I may see the doctor tomorrow. My diet is going great having lost 9 lbs so far so I can't complain about that.


  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    What kind of diet are you following?
  • karenscfld
    karenscfld Posts: 38 Member
    I'm counting calories and staying at 1200 or less. I'm eating a lot of vegetables. I did start eating bran flakes for breakfast which is totally new for me.
  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,008 Member
    I had same problems until my digestive system adjusted to increase of fiber and complete change of diet. It took me a couple months before things were more normal. Remember to drink LOTS of water.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    One thing to keep in mind with increased fiber if you take a break from it for a vacation or something you can end up constipated and when you return you may go through the adjustment period again. This is why I keep fiber supplements handy.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    karenscfld wrote: »
    I'm counting calories and staying at 1200 or less. I'm eating a lot of vegetables. I did start eating bran flakes for breakfast which is totally new for me.

    It's likely the increased fiber. You should increase your fiber intake slowly, rather than all at once. I would back off the fiber for now, see if that helps, and then gradually add in high-fiber foods once your symptoms have resolved.

    SInce you are new, I would also strongly recommend getting a food scale now, while you're still getting started. If you are counting calories but not weighing your food, then your logging is not as accurate as it could be. Most people who don't use a food scale are eating more than they think they are.

    I would also examine your calorie goal. 1200 is the bare minimum calories recommended for women and is only appropriate for some people who are short, sedentary, older, and/or don't have much weight to lose. Many people get this calorie goal if they choose a pace of loss that is too fast for their stats. Your profile says that you have 50 pounds to lose, which would mean that a maximum of 1 lb/week loss is appropriate for your stats.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    I did a Follow-Up visit with my dietician today, and mentioned that I had begun eating protein bars daily beginning about a month ago. A little later I mentioned feeling bloated and gassy for the last few weeks. She said the sugar alcohols in the protein bars I was eating affect a lot of people that way and suggested cutting them out. (I’ve never eaten foods with sugar alcohols before.). Have you introduced any new foods lately? I never would have put two and two together. I thought they were pretty innocuous, so they were under my radar.