


  • magnusthenerd
    magnusthenerd Posts: 1,207 Member
    *sigh* I wish I could get my best friend to accept this. She insists that since she has been diagnosed as being insulin resistant/borderline diabetic and has fatty liver, that she must "detox" her liver and takes all sorts of herbal suppliments that are supposed to help. She also swears that sugar is "poison" to her because of her fatty liver. No amount of research will sway her; she gets her news and information from obscure internet sources and doesn't trust anything mainline because of the "money trail". Unfortunately, that leaves her wide open for these sorts of things.

    And I had a co-worker ask me just yesterday about probiotics and prebiotics and gut flora as he had just seen a video from some Dr. so and so who back in the 80's started discovering these sorts of things and how we can used food to heal "leaky gut" syndrome. The poor guy made me think of "gale" on here.......

    And people wonder why I'm a skeptic!

    The thing that will treat fatty liver is stopping alcohol if a drinker, and otherwise, overwhelmingly, lose weight, as fast as safely possible. The body tends to use up liver fat first. One of the reasons surgeons try to get get patients to lose weight before bariatric surgery is the reduction in liver the diet causes, making the surgery safer because of the room.
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    @apullum, Thanks for the extensive info! Wow!
    I guess I just keep my clean diet and exercise routine. I like yogurt and I eat it anyway. I like soup and I make my own, I just enjoy it during winter to keep me warm :) if it helps, why not? that's all;

    I am in great health in general so when I am taking something I am not used to... I feel like crap! My gut is also fighting hard... I just want to feel normal- and eat healthy without relying on anything new.
    Thanks for the info though!
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    @apullum, Thanks for the extensive info! Wow!
    I guess I just keep my clean diet and exercise routine. I like yogurt and I eat it anyway. I like soup and I make my own, I just enjoy it during winter to keep me warm :) if it helps, why not? that's all;

    I am in great health in general so when I am taking something I am not used to... I feel like crap! My gut is also fighting hard... I just want to feel normal- and eat healthy without relying on anything new.
    Thanks for the info though!

    Yogurt and soup are great if you like them. I eat yogurt every day. It helps me meet my protein goal, and I enjoy it, so win/win. As I mentioned, though, the idea that probiotics following antibiotics "can't hurt" may be incorrect.

    I would guess you feel like crap because you were sick, and maybe due to side effects of the medication you were on. Some antibiotics can have nasty side effects. However, there might be a psychological component going on here too. Your body doesn't need a "detox" and your food isn't dirty unless you forgot to wash your produce. "Clean" eating is used to mean so many different things that it's nearly meaningless, and most of the claims made about "clean" eating are not based in scientific evidence. Fruits and vegetables are usually a good idea, for example, but a lot of other claims go beyond just eating your veggies.

    If your meds are making you feel bad, then I would see your doctor to ask whether there is other medicine you can take instead or other evidence-based treatments for your symptoms. Your doctor might be able to tell you whether your stomach upset could be related to the antibiotics or not, and whether probiotics would be recommended for your specific situation.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,900 Member
    @apullum, Thanks for the extensive info! Wow!
    I guess I just keep my clean diet and exercise routine. I like yogurt and I eat it anyway. I like soup and I make my own, I just enjoy it during winter to keep me warm :) if it helps, why not? that's all;

    I am in great health in general so when I am taking something I am not used to... I feel like crap! My gut is also fighting hard... I just want to feel normal- and eat healthy without relying on anything new.
    Thanks for the info though!

    Not all yogurt has active cultures, so do check to make sure your brand does. Cabot and Stonyfield both say LIVE & ACTIVE CULTURES.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,900 Member
    *sigh* I wish I could get my best friend to accept this. She insists that since she has been diagnosed as being insulin resistant/borderline diabetic and has fatty liver, that she must "detox" her liver and takes all sorts of herbal suppliments that are supposed to help. She also swears that sugar is "poison" to her because of her fatty liver. No amount of research will sway her; she gets her news and information from obscure internet sources and doesn't trust anything mainline because of the "money trail". Unfortunately, that leaves her wide open for these sorts of things.

    And I had a co-worker ask me just yesterday about probiotics and prebiotics and gut flora as he had just seen a video from some Dr. so and so who back in the 80's started discovering these sorts of things and how we can used food to heal "leaky gut" syndrome. The poor guy made me think of "gale" on here.......

    And people wonder why I'm a skeptic!

    Honestly - and this is going to make me sound as old as I am <get off my lawn!> - I can't help but blame the internet for cases like your friend. There is *unlimited* information at our fingertips, but far too many people lack the skill to be able to differentiate the genuine from the bogus. Everyone is looking for the quick fix for everything, and lately, it seems that if it's touted as 'natural' it simply *has* to be good.

    Then a second factor comes into play. People want to be on the cutting edge, in-the-know, trendy, because anything less just won't do. So myriads of folks jump onto these bogus fads because it can give them a false sense of superiority. "What? You still don't know about the miracle benefits of <insert latest fad here>? Have you been living under a rock?"

    Is everything a scam? No, of course not. But the old saying, "There's a fool born every minute" has never been more true than it is now, what with the constant bombardment of 'miracles' through the internet and social media.

    A wee bit of critical thinking and research skills would go a long, long way. :)

    My mother is susceptible to the first factor and my aunt to the second :(
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    @apullum, Thanks for the extensive info! Wow!
    I guess I just keep my clean diet and exercise routine. I like yogurt and I eat it anyway. I like soup and I make my own, I just enjoy it during winter to keep me warm :) if it helps, why not? that's all;

    I am in great health in general so when I am taking something I am not used to... I feel like crap! My gut is also fighting hard... I just want to feel normal- and eat healthy without relying on anything new.
    Thanks for the info though!

    Not all yogurt has active cultures, so do check to make sure your brand does. Cabot and Stonyfield both say LIVE & ACTIVE CULTURES.

    i do love stonyfield
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    @apullum, Thanks for the extensive info! Wow!
    I guess I just keep my clean diet and exercise routine. I like yogurt and I eat it anyway. I like soup and I make my own, I just enjoy it during winter to keep me warm :) if it helps, why not? that's all;

    I am in great health in general so when I am taking something I am not used to... I feel like crap! My gut is also fighting hard... I just want to feel normal- and eat healthy without relying on anything new.
    Thanks for the info though!

    Not all yogurt has active cultures, so do check to make sure your brand does. Cabot and Stonyfield both say LIVE & ACTIVE CULTURES.

    I make my own with heirloom cultures so they are active, which allows me to use some from the previous batch to inoculate the next batch.