Need accountability friends🙂



  • shirleymc1989
    shirleymc1989 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi guys. I am starting my journey to weight loss. I am morbidly obese also. Though this sounds terrible bad, I am feeling really encouraged at this point. I am new to the online tools, but decided to try it anyway. I also need accountability. I have started and stopped a million times, but feels this time will be different. I need as much support as possible. Let's encourage each other.
  • arpitairock
    arpitairock Posts: 11 Member
    , totally new to MFP. Just thought that it will be good to have a partner to share challenges, and maybe to keep a check on me. I'm excited and hopefully will meet someone who requires the same.
  • efw624
    efw624 Posts: 1 Member
    I turned 47 last week and began to seriously think about the impact of the health issues I am facing as a result of being about 100 pounds overweight. Sure, I have lost 23 pounds since July and have started going to the gym on my own. I am giving myself credit for taking those steps. Yet I need to do more and need to get more focused on weight reduction for prevention, and at this point, I believe I will achieve greater success, too, with accountability partners who will motivate without judging. I'm with you - let's do this!
  • mayamagallanes
    mayamagallanes Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks everyone for the stories! If anyone else wants to add me, please do! Its helping so much!!
  • NurseAngelD
    NurseAngelD Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there, would be happy to encourage you on the journey as well. 🙂
  • randyolf
    randyolf Posts: 61 Member
    Friends and motivation is so important in weight loss. Feel free to add me
  • mariekenji
    mariekenji Posts: 23 Member
    5'2'' trying to lose down to 150 pounds. currently 207 from 220. females feel free to add me :)
  • jim_n_virginia
    jim_n_virginia Posts: 59 Member
    Hello I have most everything you have (I'm on Otezla) and I too am working on myself. I've been working out and I'm down 35lbs but have a lot more to lose.

    Please feel free to add me!
  • katlyngronwoldt85
    katlyngronwoldt85 Posts: 49 Member
    I’m here starting again. I turn 35 in September and I’d like to hit my goal weight of 155 lbs which has me set to lose 21 more lbs. I’m a runner + do beachbody workouts and I’d love some friends. I log daily and I’m hecka determined.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    If any of you would like to try a team approach - it is a great way to get support, keep going even when it isn't going as well as you'd like, and you make some friends who are going to be there every day with you. I have been in one group for quite a while now, and I don't think I'd still be maintaining my weight loss and exercise commitment without it.

    Try it for a month - it's a great bunch of people from all walks of life and many parts of the world. Teams are around 25 people, so you get to know everyone. The six teams also have full group challenges if you want to do those. Hopefully you'll want to stick with it for longer once the month is over.

    The group is called From Fat2Fit - check out what it's about on the group home page:

    Join up for April (starts SUNDAY March 29!!) - sign up here:
  • chasitystiff5991
    chasitystiff5991 Posts: 3 Member
    I have blood pressure to I’m 31 I wanna lose weight to get off it maybe we can do it together you can add me