
Hiya! I'm nearly 5 months postpartum and I'm ready to become my healthiest self(not my skinniest self), but to do that I need to finish losing the rest of the weight I put on while pregnant (I gained 87lb due to illness, preeclampsia, ect).

If there's any other postpartum moms out there, add me and we can support each other 💪🏻
Or anyone. I'll support anyone trying to better themselves.


  • la_maestra
    la_maestra Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I am about 6 months postpartum and gained about 25 pounds. (My starting weight before pregnancy was still a good 20 pounds heavier than I wanted to be, tbh...) I lost about 10 pounds at the beginning and then began gaining it back after the holidays. I cannot continue this way! So I completely understand the struggle! Feel free to add me as a friend! I'm right there with you!
  • KristenLynn87
    KristenLynn87 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi mama! I’m 7 month postpartum and working on getting back to feeling like “myself” again as well! Would love to have you as a MFP buddy!!
  • S_Sharp00
    S_Sharp00 Posts: 4 Member
    edited February 2020
    Hi, I'm 7 months PP after baby #2. I also have Diastasis Recti and an umbilical hernia.
    Pre preg: 135lbs
    Current: 156lbs
    Ideal weight: 135-140lbs