Weight loss

Hi I was 178lbs a few months ago and started going to gym to lose weight. I was able to reduce to 132 lbs in 6 months with regular exercise( mostly cardio) and diet. These days I’m trying to gain lean muscle by lifting weights and occasional cardio to prevent muscle loss


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    If trying to gain muscle, eat at a slight surplus and follow a structured lifting plan that fits your goals.

    What is your current lifting routine?
  • abrahamabrew8920
    abrahamabrew8920 Posts: 4 Member
    I usually train 6 days a week and hit every muscle atleast twice a week. I’ve increased calories and gained both muscle n fat. Eat big to get bigger! I train chest n biceps, back n triceps, legs n abdomen on each days.
    If anybody wants to see my weight loss journey and current lean bulking, just text me.