I'm new to this...Help!!!


I am starting my weight loss journey, any helpful tips? advise? i really need motivation. P.s...still havent' worked out how this site works. x


  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    You'll get the hang of the site in time, don't worry. And you have come to the right place! This site is very helpful! My advice- Drink lots and lots of water! Feel free add me if you need encouragement along the way!
  • alleyg4
    alleyg4 Posts: 26
    My biggest tip is to make time to do some kind of physical activity. I mean, I hate watching what I eat so instead of focusing on counting calories and stuff things like that I wake up early & go on a walk or run, I force myself to park away from my job so I have to walk to get to the door. It may sound dumb but losing or mainting (which is what I am doing now) is a lot easier when you aren't saying "No Candy" "No Chips" Just No."

    You can do it! :-) Just stay POSITIVE!! :-)
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    first off welcome welcome

    secondly- go to the community and message boards and read the newbies start here

    set goals and rewards (non food related)

    never eat less than 1200 calories,

    Join a challenge group and make some friends on here- add me if ya want :D
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I scan the message boards once in awhile and have found GREAT tips, recipes, advice, etc. Just the calorie counting and exercise calories burned are helpful (although some of them are wrong). I just got a heart rate monitor so I can see what I am really burning. I resisted for 5 weeks and finally did it!

    Calories in (eating) - calories out (exercise) is the name of the game! Just do it!
  • Lilliesmom2010
    Hello and Welcome!!
    I just started here myself, Thursday will be one week!! It's great and I love it here! I've met some really friendly and helpful people here to help me get started. I also say don't deprive yourself of those "treats" just be honest with yourself on your eating and portion sizes, and you'll be amazed how fast you learn what and how much you can have. Also try to at least go for a 30 min walk or if you like gardening, go for it!! Keep track of your time working and then add up the minutes and you'll be surprised at how much calories you can burn in 1-2 hrs in the yard.

    You may add me to your friends list if you want to. I'm trying to be supportive and friendly too. :) I'm just a busy mom!!

    Good luck on your journey and may you have success and happiness!!