diet ideas


hey, iv been training 6 days a week at gym 1.5 to 2 hours a day and go for a couple hour hike most weeks for past 3 months have been on a strick diet for most of the time, was weighing at 134kg 3 months ago now at 125kg, which i do alot of weight lifting trying to get stronger and more fit, planning to go for the army again after 6 years since i gave it up getting in for my son

my current diet is:
meal 1- protien shake with oats and mixed fruit cant 100% rememeber the grams

meal 2- 200g of basmati rice with 100g of cooked chicken

meal 3- 150g of basmati rice with 500g of chicken cooked

meal 4- protien shake

equals to about 2400cal a day, 270g protien, iv always stuck to under 2500cal a day as iv been instructed by my old gym trainer i ust to see

looking for ideas of how to improve my diet to help me gain muscle at same time maintaining my fat levels, i get scanned at gym every month to see results which so far its been about 15kg of fat gone, got down to 23% body fat now, my aim is minimum 15% body fat before ill be happy with my body


  • GhostX1994
    GhostX1994 Posts: 58 Member
    my bad forgot to add i do add veggies mostly just broccoli and mixed veg
  • GhostX1994
    GhostX1994 Posts: 58 Member
    yeah iv just gone by what my old trainer gave me for my meal plans, was told higher the protein the better for growing muslce, and low carb and fat to keep down the fat %

    been told to stay away from pasta and pork, i dont eat egg or seafood so im a picky eater sometimes, but yeah iv just been told to keep the cal under 2500 a day and high as possible protein for muslce mass

    well my goal is 15% or lower body fat but body builder is the way im wanting to go, always pushing myself at the gym with weights

    well the diet at first made me struggle with energy for gym but after a month my body got ust to it, and never really had cheat meals as my body was making me unwell and sick from any junk food i had

    i know i need to improve my diet plan and i agree i do need other opinions and ideas on meals and foods i can have that suit my goals and what i can eat
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    Woah. More power too you man. I'd be bored out of my skull by day 2 eating like that.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,139 Member
    If you're low carbing, it makes sense to not eat pasta, well, because if you did you wouldn't be low carbing.

    If you're *kitten* bent on eating as much protein as you, which you seem to be, why for all that's *kitten* would you stay away from pork unless, you know, there exist ethical or religious reasons, or something?

    (*nothing against either ethical or religious reasons: more the power to you if that's the reason!)

    I mean have you seen the macros for chicken? for pork tenderloin? What mechanism makes pork unsuitable as a protein?

    Having said that... errrr.... eat your vegetables!

    *and do remember the following:
    In the unlikely event you ever break down and start eating all the things that you aren't currently eating "on the plan. Should you ever find yourself saying: "one more day and tomorrow I will start back "on the plan"" Or maybe the day after. Because, let's face it, "the plan" sucks *kittens*.

    And here you are, possibly, I mean, it's been known to happen-but maybe not to you! But here you are gaining weight and life sucks and you might as well have some more cookies before getting back on "the plan" tomorrow. Or maybe the day after. Because, let's face it, "the plan" sucks *kittens*. And yes I did say it twice on purpose!

    Well on that day REMEMBER that YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE ON THE SUCKS *KITTENS* PLAN to lose fat!
    And being on the sucks *kittens* plan is not the primary driver that is making you gain strength and muscle.

    The primary driver there is YOUR hard work and suitable programming. Or suitable programming and relatively hard work. Or even just hard work, genetics, and avoiding sabotage from too extreme of a deficit!

    So don't sell yourself short! Looking well on your way towards your goals!
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,230 Member
    I would certainly need more variety than that OP - but you have lost 9kg in 3 months or aprox 1.5 lb per week over 3 months - that's very good progress

    Change your diet up a bit and people have given good suggestions re that - but dont change too much - it aint (hardly ) broke so dont fix it.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,447 Member
    Beans , vegetables, seafood, beef, pork, lamb, eggs, dairy,
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    Your first mistake is taking nutrition advice from a trainer. Unless they've done additionally schooling, they are basically just talking out their butt.

    It looks like you are trying to stick with a "clean" diet which is mostly fresh and unprocessed foods which is great. I would reevaluate your calorie needs and then look at adding more variety to your diet. There are plenty of other proteins that you can eat - eggs, steak, fish, pork, etc., there is no reason to only ever eat chicken. Low carb is fine, but you really need to eat some fat, otherwise you can't absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K. Plus, let's be honest, fat makes things taste better, amIright? :) I'd also try to spice up your veggie game, there is a whole produce section out there waiting for you, give it a try. Don't be scared of dairy either, and since you need more fat in your diet, I'd recommend sticking with the full fat versions of stuff, don't be scared of fat. Consuming fat does not cause excess body fat, eating excess calories does.
  • KevinWH87
    KevinWH87 Posts: 74 Member
    First of all, congrats on your progress already.

    I would just recommend more variety... It will help ensure you get your proper nutrients AND make dieting a little more exciting.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    GhostX1994 wrote: »
    yeah iv just gone by what my old trainer gave me for my meal plans, was told higher the protein the better for growing muslce, and low carb and fat to keep down the fat %

    been told to stay away from pasta and pork, i dont eat egg or seafood so im a picky eater sometimes, but yeah iv just been told to keep the cal under 2500 a day and high as possible protein for muslce mass

    well my goal is 15% or lower body fat but body builder is the way im wanting to go, always pushing myself at the gym with weights

    well the diet at first made me struggle with energy for gym but after a month my body got ust to it, and never really had cheat meals as my body was making me unwell and sick from any junk food i had

    i know i need to improve my diet plan and i agree i do need other opinions and ideas on meals and foods i can have that suit my goals and what i can eat

    Well, since your old trainer didn't realize that some cuts of pork have less calories than some chicken, it's time to reconsider his advice :)

    I prefer fattier (and more caloric) cuts of pork such as Boston Butt and pork shoulder, which are actually less prevalent than the ubiquitous pork tenderloin.

    ...You won't find a large difference between the calories in pork tenderloin, ham, bone-in pork chops, and skinless chicken breasts, legs and thighs. Pork tenderloin has the fewest, with 93 calories in a 3-ounce serving, while ham contains 116 calories, which is the highest of the six samples. All six provide about the same amount of protein: 16 to 19 grams in 3 ounces. These values represent about 33 to 39 percent of the daily value for protein, based on consuming 2,000 calories daily.