Returning member looking for friends

*Please add me as a friend* B)

Hey 'yall ...35 year old married, soon to be divorced, mom of 3 wanting to get back in the game of being healthy and fit. Ive used MFP before years ago with great success and then fell off the wagon. Im a smoker that hopes to stop soon but I wont let that keep me from beginning again. I would love to lose as much weight as I can but my main goal is to have more energy and be healthier, especially with my pending bad habits.
I lost about 20 pounds back when I did this thing consistently and I honestly believe it was the MFP community that kept me motivated enough to accomplish that. So here I am, back for more and I hope I can inspire and help others just the same.


  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,612 Member
    Welcome back .....Feel free to add me .... I just restarted my journey on Jan. 1st ...Would love to cheer you on while you are on your journey . :)
  • gingersnaps1976
    gingersnaps1976 Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome back! I know all about bad habits. I also had success with MFP years ago, and I too fell off the wagon. I just recently started back up and am 100% committed to myself this time around! No giving up! I sent you a friend request :)
  • blackfence99
    blackfence99 Posts: 9 Member
    Yaay Megan... welcome. We got this!! As soon as I figure out how to request friends I will add you. Gingersnaps thank you so much for the add!