Does the appearance of a personal trainer matter?

About a year ago, I paid a personal trainer to set up a strength program for me and take me through the various lifts. The trainer is very knowledgeable and the program worked out very well. I would like to go back to him and have a new one made in order to change it up and incorporate lessons learned from the other workout. The trainer is a powerlifter and not a crossfitter- he's very strong, but also very fat. I originally did not let that deter me. My wife posed a valid question (I'm paraphrasing)- "wouldn't you go to a trainer that had the body type that you wanted?" I responded that I did not feel that mattered as long as the methods/plans worked.
I'm sure I will catch flack for posing this question. However, I want to get the thought of others.


  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    Not if I trust them and they do their job.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    no i think its a legitimate question.

    Although i'd say that obviously an out of shape individual can have as much knowledge as an in shape one, and in that way be just as effective, but one is possibly more likely to be more motivating or convincing.

    if i'm going to fork over cash, i want so physical evidence that the person knows what they are doing. If my goal is to get stronger then what he looks like doesn't necessairy matter. if i want to look a certain way then i supposed i'd want a trainer that looked that way.

    Really though, obviously the only thing that your really paying for is results. IF this guy got you what you wanted results wise then no reason to complain.

    I do kinda scratch my head when i see a trainner in worse shape then myself tho
  • lesteidel
    lesteidel Posts: 229 Member
    Their ability to train you is what matters. Someone can be fat and still have more knowledge than you do about a subject. We do not refuse to see out of shape doctors. What they are doing in their personal life does not reflect their ability to teach or to motivate. If you know the method works, what difference does it make what the trainer looks like?

    If you already know the person is a good trainer, their appearance is irrelevant.

    It would, however, be an easy assumption that someone does not know what they are talking about with fitness based on their appearance. Just because someone fails to do something does not mean they don't know HOW to do it.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    A lot of powerlifters are...fluffy. (read: a lot. Not ALL). Bc their goals aren't to be a body builder. Their goals are to lift all the weights. So, dude probably still has knowledge and wisdom to offer you when it comes to lifting. I wouldn't take his diet advice, though.

  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    The thing that sticks out here to me is that the trainer is specifically a powerlifter. They have a different focus than a Crossfitter or a bodybuilder. Most of them aren't doing it for aesthetics, but for power and strength. Their goal is to lift all the heavy things as heavily as possible. That's basically my husband. He wants power, so that's what he goes for. He runs a mile almost every day as well, and if he feels to fluffy, he'll dial in his diet, but his main focus is adding weight to his lifts, not a 6 pack.

    Now, if you're wanting to be ripped and your trainer isn't a power lifter, but has never been ripped, then it's something to think about a bit more.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I wouldn't, kind of like going to consult with a fat nutritionist IMO
  • I recently started seeing a personal trainer, she's got the body that I aspire for myself and she can lift heavy weights. I don't think I would use a personal trainer (especially a female) if she didn't clearly have the knowledge/experience/body that proved she new what she was talking about.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    My choice of PT would be more about my fitness goals than what they looked like. If I was most concerned with lifting th maximum amount of weight I possibly could, I'd probably go with the power lifter...many a powerlifter is fat because their workout is not geared towards being lean and body's geared towards squatting 500 Lbs ++. for need lots of fuel for that. If I wanted to body build, I'd want a PT that was a body builder...etc, etc, etc.