Forever trying to lose weight and tone up

hey, I'm Patrick and I've stumbled and tripped on my weight issues for the last few yrs and am recently back at d gym, trying to stay motivated and keep consistent as I'd gone to a horrible weight of 18 stone and I'm 41, with 2 small children, need d excess gone for their sake to be able to run around after them and just generally for to not feel insecure in clothes that are too tight showing my gut 😩 hadn't noticed the weight slowly creeping up until I saw how fat and bloaty I looked in pics, so I avoid any pics now that I don't have to be in 🙈


  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Make sure you're not bored in the gym. Go on youtube and watch/listen to amusing things during your workout. If not for this, my workouts would be very rare.
  • mjreid1
    mjreid1 Posts: 3 Member
    I remember being in your situation years ago. I recall noticing how my age started to equal my waist size. When I was 41 I did have a 41 inch waist and freaked out. To this day I am still fighting the battle and my kids are grown. With small children I found it hard to move at a pace that would keep me in shape. What helped was finding a time to work out alone. When the kids were young, early mornings worked best which left the rest of the day for work and spending the evenings with the family. Later diet adjustments really boosted my success. Reducing sugar and carbs was my first step. Second was going vegetarian. My family suggested this and we have stuck with it. Currently I reached my goal weight last summer but gained 10 pounds back. I have been on MFP for just over two weeks. It is going slow right now but in the right direction. Just want to encourage you to keep it up. You have the right idea and spirit. Plus you are at an age when you can burn the calories and fat at a good clip. You can do this.