Keto diet



  • scarlett_k
    scarlett_k Posts: 812 Member
    It's a big trend at the moment. It helps some people to maintain a calorie deficit although I've read that keeping to it long term is difficult so therefore it's no better than any other "diet" over a complete, sustainable lifestyle change. For me, restricting certain foods or food groups is absolutely unhealthy as I have a history of an eating disorder; restricting/banning leads to unhealthy relationships with food and bingeing.
  • Mov3mor3
    Mov3mor3 Posts: 96 Member
    Yes. No. Maybe.
  • Rishaschultz94
    Rishaschultz94 Posts: 23 Member
    edited February 2020
    Also when people on this ''Diet" say fiber doesn't matter is because we subtract the fiber from the carbs to give us net carbs,
    That way we can still eat veggies and fruit. Anyone who doesn't eat veggies or fruit on this diet doesnt honestly understand what they are doing and need to do more research. No offense. Every day I hit my macros and my calories and i feel great. Sure it isn't for everyone and thats okay, but putting it down or dismissing it because you dont truly understand it is not okay. Do your research and find out what it truly is. I dont go out to McDonalds and buy burgers. Nope I make them at home, if I do have a date night I go out and get a protein with veggies or salad and guess what? Still losing weight and still in ketosis.
    Saying all this, in the same sense yes I'm still restricting my calories and no matter what if u restrict u will lose weight but I have having a hard time keeping full when I was still eating carbs and sugar. I felt hungry alllll the time. Now I feel like I'm full and feel satisfied from my meals. It's not for everyone, I get that, but if it works for you it's worth a try. :)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I did keto for 2 years for migraine control. I'm still low carb, and sometimes keto level carbs.

    Not having migraines is absolutely magical, and no one will ever convince me that something that painful is not causing some kind of permanent brain damage. It's also a massive quality of life improvement not having migraines. I would classify that as way healthier for me.

    I enjoyed keto because the foods are so yum...and I tend toward eating relatively low protein, so it did make it a lot easier to get my protein intake up since you get to eat lots and lots of meats.

    Trying to lose weight on keto was super hard for me - the foods tend to be high in calories, it's very easy to go over. Some people get reduced appetite, but not everyone, and not me. Lots of greens and non starchy veggies were easy for me, they are foods I already like. If the only veggies you like are potatoes and corn, then you aren't going to like keto. I've never been super crazy about fruit and don't eat it most of the time anyway, so didn't miss it, but if fruit is something you enjoy daily, then you aren't going to like keto.

    Keto is definitely not required for weight loss. It has been found to be very helpful for a variety of neurological issues. It has been found to be very helpful for some metabolic issues. For weight loss, it's just like any other diet, you have to consume less than you expend.
  • Pipsqueak1965
    Pipsqueak1965 Posts: 397 Member
    Like they all said - its a matter of it restricting calories. And it can be as healthy or unhealthy as you are prepared to make it. Like any way of eating. However, the gut feeling I have about keto/paleo is that I feel very uncomfortable PERSONALLY about a regime that GENERALLY is promoting eating a diet that is environmentally damaging. Meat, and particularly beef are the biggest offenders in that department. So that's my view - I'm sure a lot of people don't agree and that is fine by me!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Also when people on this ''Diet" say fiber doesn't matter is because we subtract the fiber from the carbs to give us net carbs,
    That way we can still eat veggies and fruit. Anyone who doesn't eat veggies or fruit on this diet doesnt honestly understand what they are doing and need to do more research. No offense. Every day I hit my macros and my calories and i feel great. Sure it isn't for everyone and thats okay, but putting it down or dismissing it because you dont truly understand it is not okay. Do your research and find out what it truly is. I dont go out to McDonalds and buy burgers. Nope I make them at home, if I do have a date night I go out and get a protein with veggies or salad and guess what? Still losing weight and still in ketosis.
    Saying all this, in the same sense yes I'm still restricting my calories and no matter what if u restrict u will lose weight but I have having a hard time keeping full when I was still eating carbs and sugar. I felt hungry alllll the time. Now I feel like I'm full and feel satisfied from my meals. It's not for everyone, I get that, but if it works for you it's worth a try. :)

    No, I've literally been told by many keto followers on this site and elsewhere that fiber doesn't matter for your health and is completely unnecessary to consume fibrous foods...nothing to do with net carbs.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    edited February 2020
    Also when people on this ''Diet" say fiber doesn't matter is because we subtract the fiber from the carbs to give us net carbs, That way we can still eat veggies and fruit.

    Actually, that's not what the discussion about fiber was about. The discussion was about an argument that fiber isn't important doesn't count if one is eating very low carb (based on both the recommendations and what I've read about fiber, I doubt that's true, and personally my fiber was definitely lower on keto although still in line with recommendations -- I just prefer to eat 45+ g).
    Anyone who doesn't eat veggies or fruit on this diet doesnt honestly understand what they are doing and need to do more research.

    Personally, for health reasons, I agree with you that it is necessary to eat vegetables, and when I tried keto I made an effort to do so without reducing my consumption of non starchy veg (I routinely eat more than 10 servings per day), and I think eating lots of non starchy veg (not just 2-3 servings, which I get the sense some think is a lot, keto or not, sometimes) is absolutely part of a healthful keto diet (and I think keto can be done healthfully for sure).

    For me, I did have to cut back on my non-starchy veg and worry more about which veg I chose even among non starchy ones (brussels can easily add up). I also was not able to fit in fruit, even berries, although I suppose I could have eaten a tiny amount of berries occasionally. I did eat half an avocado daily, and I also ate (because I think they are important) at least a serving of nuts and/or seeds daily. The only other significant source of carbs I had (besides veg and nuts/seeds and avocado) was an occasional half or full serving of greek yogurt, and I was always at my carbs (I was aiming for 35 g net) and don't see how people manage under 20 g without eating far fewer veg than I was.

    For the record, I don't think one needs to eat as many veg as I do to be healthy, but I find it a healthy part of my diet and important to me, as are the nuts/seeds, and the fruit I missed (and beans/lentils, which I also missed).

    Anyway, that's something of a digression, since I do agree with you that keto can be done healthfully. However, to support what some others have said, I don't think it's inherently true that people who do keto do focus on those things -- I've certainly seen the diet sold as "you don't have to eat veg" and I think some find it appealing because they aren't that wild about veg, and when people are spending lots of carbs on keto treats or mock keto bread or the like and staying under 20 g net, I do think that veg must be too low (and as I said I found it hard to fit in fruit so I know one can't fit in that much).

    But also like I said any diet can be done poorly or healthfully, weight loss itself is healthful if one is obese, and anyone on a deficit should likely pay more attention to nutrients if they care about that (which I think they should) than people not on a deficit as that's when it's harder to meet nutritional needs. I'd recommend tracking micros for a while if one is on lower cals, and that's likely especially the case when one cuts out food groups to a significant extent (or if one is eating lots of lower nutrient foods, of course).