Starting Over Again

Hey fellow MFP Peeps!

I'm Crystal. I've been using MFP off and on since 2012. I've had pretty good success with it. But last year in March I had a surgery that stopped me from having periods (for other medical reasons) as well as having an IUD put in too. After the recovery I tried to go back to the gym and tried to get back to the routine I had but I kept putting the weight back on. I've since gained about 15 pounds back. I've felt really discouraged and haven't really been back to the gym. But I've been really unhappy with the fact I have let myself go and I wanna change that. MFP has always been an amazing community full of support so I want to give it another go. Just gotta get back that motivation and mentality I used to have!


  • Mastiff_Effort
    Mastiff_Effort Posts: 1 Member
    I was using Noom last year & lost 20 lbs. Put it back on right before having surgery in Dec. Since recovering post surgery lost 15 of it again, but noticing I am overeating as I start to feel better. Time to reset and control calories since I'm not 100% released for exercise. Thanks for sharing!
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    I was using Noom last year & lost 20 lbs. Put it back on right before having surgery in Dec. Since recovering post surgery lost 15 of it again, but noticing I am overeating as I start to feel better. Time to reset and control calories since I'm not 100% released for exercise. Thanks for sharing!

    That's what I need to do, is reset!
  • chrissypops
    chrissypops Posts: 112 Member
    Welcome aboard again Crystal. I lost 3 stone by using MFP and watching what I ate back from 2011-2012. Gradually over the last few years, after a bad break up, Ive gained 2 stone back gradually. Ive also returned to MFP for support and logging what im eating. This time with a little psychology and more awareness ( I used nonstops 14 day free trial which sparked my interest) I know I am a comfort eater by mature, but I am also going in for a part Hysterectomy later on in the year and don't want to be overweight. Heres to our journeys and feel free to add me x