This ones for the ladies... pms issues

Does anyone else get terrible bloating and constipation issues right before their period and on it as well? It’s so frustrating to see my weight climb up when I’m literally doing my diet to the T and killing myself at the gym!! I know in another week or two I’ll be back to normal but seriously wth! Ugh!


  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Plenty of women retain water prior to and/or during their periods. Some of us get the double whammy of blowing up at ovulation as well. Is it a little annoying? Yes, but it's water weight, not fat.

    If you use a trending app (Libra, Happy Scale, Trendweight (web based)) to log your weight, it will smooth out those fluctuations and show you that your weight is trending in the right direction.
  • sarabushby
    sarabushby Posts: 784 Member
    If it bothers you that much you could consider just blocking those days out in your calendar and not weighing in during those days but really you just have to recognise it for what it is and ignore it. If you’re in this for the long game then the monthly blips are nothing more than that on your trendline.
    I second the recommendation to use a weight trending app to help you see that you’re still going in the right direction.