Running, bursitis and recovery?

hsrunningmom Posts: 134 Member
edited February 1 in Fitness and Exercise
I have had to stop running because of extreme pain in my hip. I was diagnosed with bursitis in my hip. I have been restricted from running and any high impact exercise. I'm doing strengthening exercises and taking a heavy duty anti-inflammatory. Does anyone have any suggestions on anything else that can be done to speed-up recovery? I really miss running and want to get back to it.


  • moondawg14
    moondawg14 Posts: 249 Member
    You've got to get the inflammation down. the NSAID will help alot. I'm not sure if icing will help your hip, but cold definitely helps reduce inflammation. The hip is kind of a deep joint so it might take a lot of time/ice to get anything done in that area.

    Sadly, unless you're going to lay in bed all day, you're going to have to use your hip every day, which slows down recovery.

    YOu're right to do some low-impact core strengthening to help prevent the injury again when you get back to running.

    You might ask your PT about cycling or swimming as a replacement, so that you can keep up some of your cardio conditioning.
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Do you know what is causing your bursitis?

    In my early 20's I had bilateral trochanteric bursitis. After years of icing, anti-inflammatories, ultrasound, inferential, laser therapy and ultimately cortisone shots to no effect, I went to a chiropractor and discovered that it was referred pain from a misalignment in my back. Within a few months of adjustments, it started to get better. Within a year, it was mostly gone.

    What does your doctor say?
  • hsrunningmom
    hsrunningmom Posts: 134 Member
    My doc doesn't really know, but thought it was probably from over use. It didn't even occur to me to see a chiropractor about this. Thanks!
  • wolfgate
    wolfgate Posts: 321 Member
    You might see if one in your area also practices ART. For some soft tissue problems that can help alleviate root cause.
  • hanwyz
    hanwyz Posts: 37 Member
    Try Pilates and yoga, I also found that when I was ice skating and strengthening my hip every week that my bursitis flared up less often. I also agree it could be caused by your back, that was eventually diagnosed for mine.
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